Meadow Heights School Board candidate Jenny Proctor

Name: Jenny Proctor

Age: 39

Place of Birth: Iowa

Spouse, children's names




Occupation: Insurance Producer

Employer: Golden Rule Insurance Assoc.

Business owned, all or part

Prior: Owner, Jennifer Proctor Agency

Current: Vested partner, GRIA

Previous offices held or sought

Member, Bollinger County University of Missouri Extension Council

Member, Community Counseling Center Governing Board of Directors

Court Appointed Special Advocate, appointed by Judge Scott Lipke 7/2016

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

I am a parent to two children who attend MHS, a taxpayer who supports the school, a past coach to T-Ball kiddos, have been a business owner and partner, and volunteer extensively towards causes that help bring improvement and enrichment to the children and families of this community. I have a wealth of experience and contacts and resources to draw on.

What do you see as the opportunities and challenges in the district?

Recent community forums have highlighted the deficiencies that some see in the district; former graduates speak to the fact that they felt underprepared and overwhelmed with the transition to college, parents new to the district testified that their children were starting out at MHS BEHIND where they left other districts. Teachers have acknowledged that curriculum is behind that of other similar districts/classes they visit. There is incredible opportunity to improve, but not without change.

What are your thoughts on a potential four-day school week?

I visited 4 day districts and corresponded with 14 different administrators from different schools in MO, and teachers, and parents, and I am very impressed with the improvements these districts realized. The 4 day is not new to the area. Prodigy Leadership Academy in Cape Girardeau also has a 4 day schedule. Since the start of 2017, 6 additional districts in MO have opted for this schedule, increasing the list of schools adopting 4day.

How will you communicate your work to your constituents?

In my current capacity as board member for civic organizations and non-profits, and in my day-to-day career, I am already available day and night to take phone calls, texts, emails. That won't change, except that board meetings would also be added as a method of communication.

What are the factors on which you will base your decisions as a school board member?

School is for academics. I will base every decision as a board member on the basis of what it adds or detracts from an academic environment. A school strong in academics is a blessing to the community, attracts more interested residents, and adds to the tax base of the community - helping foster and encourage growth.
