Scouting sticks for a cause down at the CAFRC

Youth and Volunteer staff of the After School Program, searching for just the "right" stick.

The fourth Wednesday of every month during the After School Program brings an opportunity for each child to participate with the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts. Today was no different, even though our Girl Scout program isn't fully up and running.

While the boys were upstairs in the Red Bird Auditorium working on their Bobcat badge requirements with their troop leader David Gilbert, the girls along with myself and a couple of our volunteer staff (students of SEMO) took our aspiring girl scouts outside on a stick scouting adventure. You may ask yourself WHAT........ a stick scouting adventure, what's that!?!?

Before leaving the building I explained our need to search for sticks. Not just any ol' stick, these must be very special. They were to become part of Snowflakes home. The staff at CAFRC feel it is very important for our students to learn that even though having a pet is a HUGE responsibility, it doesn't have to cost a lot.

We have used shredded paper to line Snowflakes cage and brought an empty cardboard container (ours was from oatmeal) to be her home. Since we knew she would want something to chew we wanted to attach sticks to her cardboard house.

After carefully selecting just the right size sticks from a tree we found just outside the building the girls brought them in and washed them. Then each girl took turns taking the sticks from the water, placing each on a cookie tray to be dried in the oven. Tomorrow we finish the project, after allowing the night for our sticks to thoroughly cool.

Check back to see the finished project.
