Downtown Cape: The heart of the community

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Thursday, May 11, 2023

The growth of an area takes jobs, financial resources and a commitment from the community to improve what already exists while bringing new to the area.

In 2022, downtown Cape added 23 new businesses, which means 62 new jobs and $10 million — private and public — invested in improving the area for community members and visitors.

Thanks to support from leaders and volunteers who logged over 2,400 volunteer hours last year, downtown Cape continues to be a driving economic force.

But there’s more to downtown Cape’s success than dollars and cents. Downtown is about enjoying restaurants, shops and unique experiences and events that bring the community together.

Through the formation of a Community Improvement District (CID) in 2014, funding is available for litter pickups, downtown police patrols and expanded Christmas decorations along the Broadway corridor and the addition of a 20-foot gateway obelisk that serves as a touch point to welcome visitors to the area.

From new businesses and jobs to tourism and community events, downtown Cape continues to be the heart of the community.