Cape teen charged in drive-by shooting

Travell J. Steele
Cape Girardeau County Jail

A Cape Girardeau teenager faces multiple felonies on accusations that he fired a gun out of his car window toward another car.

Travell J. Steele, 18, of Cape Girardeau was charged with two counts of first-degree assault, three counts of armed criminal action and illegal discharge or shooting of a firearm at a person.

Victims reported to police on Monday, May 20, that a man matching Steele’s description leaned out of a blue car, holding a black handgun as he fired five or six rounds toward the car. They reported the driver of the vehicle Steele was riding in appeared to be a female. An officer observed two bullet holes in the vehicle, one in the passenger side door panel and another in the passenger rear tire.

A witness came forward and told police that Steele had sent threatening text messages relating to a person “attempting to kiss a girl he was talking to” who, according to the witness, was the person who was driving the car, according to a probable cause statement signed by a police officer whose name is redacted.

Steele adamantly denied being involved in the shooting, according to the probable cause statement. But after he was arrested a witness told police that Steele had fired five rounds and placed the gun in the glove box inside the car. Officers retrieved the weapon.

The firearm and assault charges are Class B felonies, which carry a sentence of five to 15 years in prison.

Steele is being held without bond at Cape Girardeau County Jail. Judge Frank Miller is overseeing the case.
