U.S. House of Representatives 8th District candidate: Dave Cowell

Name Dave Cowell

Age 29

Place of birth Kentucky, Moved to Missouri at age 2

Spouse's, children's names

Carrie is my beautiful wife and Ian is our son.


Vocational training in Graphic Design

Occupation Managing an Electronics Retailer

Employer -

Businesses owned, all or part


Public offices held or sought; give dates


Website www.davecowellforcongress.com

Email talktous@davecowellforcongress.com

Phone (573) 366-4770

How would you balance the federal budget?

This is not an issue that can be fixed overnight. ItÂ’s not as simple as balancing our own check books as some members of the GOP would like you to think. We must work to determine and eliminate unnecessary spending. We need to raise taxes on the wealthiest among us. The rich are paying less in taxes than they ever have before. We also need to close corporate tax loopholes and end corporate welfare.

What steps would you take to address gun violence in the U.S.?

As a gun owner myself, I support the right to bear arms. Like most responsible gun owners, I donÂ’t see an issue with improved background checks. I support no-fly no-buy. If the FBI has deemed you a threat for air travel, you should not be able to buy a gun. We must work to close loop-holes that criminals use to obtain illegal firearms.

Poverty is among the top issues throughout Missouri's 8th District. What are your strategies to improve the district's economy and create more jobs?

Poverty is the number one issue in this District. We need to increase our minimum wage to a living wage. The working class spends 90 to 110 percent of their income each year. Increasing their wages will allow more money to be spent in our economy, and more jobs will be created to keep up with the demand. We also need to fight predatory trade deals that will cost us jobs in the manufacturing industry.

A constant criticism of Congress is gridlock caused by party clashes. What efforts would you make to work with both parties to pass bills that will improve the state and the district?

Party lines divide us more than they should. A good idea is a good idea no matter which party it comes from. I have no qualms crossing party lines to work on bills that will help Missourians. My consideration of whether or not to endorse a particular piece of legislation will not be based on what party originated it. I will vote for any Bill that is common sense legislation that helps MissouriÂ’s working families.
