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OpinionFebruary 24, 1991

THANK YOU TO the sponsors who brought the St. Louis Symphony to Cape Girardeau. It was a wonderful, wonderful concert. I feel that everyone there enjoyed it immensely. I hope that they will return to Cape Girardeau again and possibly perform in the Show Me Center, where more people would be able to hear their wonderful music. Thank you...

THANK YOU TO the sponsors who brought the St. Louis Symphony to Cape Girardeau. It was a wonderful, wonderful concert. I feel that everyone there enjoyed it immensely. I hope that they will return to Cape Girardeau again and possibly perform in the Show Me Center, where more people would be able to hear their wonderful music. Thank you.

I AM A senior citizen, but I hardly disagree with the proposed tax increase for the senior citizens' benefits. I believe in welfare for those that really need the help. I feel the same way about this tax increase for the senior citizens. Until the people are screened and the needy only get the help, I will continue to vote against these issues. I think the working class of people also need help. They are the one's who are paying so much taxes and Social Security. I have no children, but I would like to think that my nieces and nephews will some day have a house paid for, two cars in their garages, and will be able to dress up and go to their nutrition center for a day of entertainment. Right now, with both working, they do good to pay their bills and raise their kids. So come on, senior citizens, find another way to help the needy without raising taxes. Maybe since the city had $2.3 million to invest out of town, they can help a little.

WOULD YOU PLEASE tell me the point of printing the people's names who owe on sewer tax in the paper? What's news about that? Not only that, but to put their age down. What has the age got to do with one owing something? Thank you very much.

In regard to your first question, the newspaper, as a matter of record, reports all charges against people listed on a daily crime summary that is prepared by city police and made available to the media. In answer to your second question, the ages and addresses of people so charged helps to better identify them, particularly in cases where others may have the same name.

I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW how to get off welfare and support my sons without help. The plant where I work is about to close, and I only get to work a week or two each month. My income of approximately $250 is enough that I only draw $42 per month AFDC, and my car payment has increased to $165 because of major repairs. I am expected to pay my old bills plus my ex-husband's old bills, and, since I can no longer do this, I've had to move in with my mother. Now I also pay one-half of her bills. Who can or will help me? One husband says he won't pay; the other has no job. Don't tell me to get married again; I won't because I don't need any other bills. Then there's Medicaid. You can only use it sometimes, and very few doctors accept it. I can only go to the dentist when I'm in severe pain. I have a court date coming up on back child-support. We've tried three times on this case to make a deal. My lawyer says not to get my hopes up. I guess my ex-husband gets all the time he needs to sell and hide assets and put money into different savings. Why must people like myself, men included, be treated so wrong, all in the name of justice? All I want is what's mine for my sons and to have a job to support them. Their fathers do not help with school clothes, supplies, food, rent, utilities or even their old bills, doctor bills or visits, and they complain about child support that they don't pay. Help. I'm dying trying.

THIS IS TO ALL the people who called in about how Bush was taking too much time to start the war with Iraq and the people who say Bush is going to get all of our young men killed. What do you people want and expect from the man? By prolonging our attack on Iraq, he saved many more lives than the Patriot missile ever will. I think what you don't understand is that you can't fight a war until your forces are ready. It's easy to get the soldiers over here, but to get the equipment here takes time. Now that we have the equipment here, we can drive Saddam and his men out of Kuwait with so much force that we will be able to keep the casualty rate down. I was happy to see President Bush and the rest of our world leaders give Saddam a chance to leave and show the patience they did; but, as you can now see, time has run out for Saddam, and he has to face the result of his actions. I read here where one person is saying we should have gone into Kuwait like we did against old Khadafi. Sorry, it's not that easy, I don't think Khadafi had an army that was anywhere close to what Saddam has developed. I guess I've said enough. Go back to your TV and turn on "Headline News." See what is going on. Do you think we could have been this successful if we would have started fighting in October? If so, think again. A soldier in Saudi Arabia. Written the 30th day of January 1991.

SORRY, MR. EDITOR and local bank officers, but my vote goes to the city's investment committee. Continue your successful program of investing our surplus tax money in insured accounts where you can get the highest rate of return. Don't invest it locally if it means a lower rate of return. Although $15,000 may not sound like big bucks to our bankers, to we who are just scraping along it is an eye-popping number. In a year it would mean over $30,000 that can be used right here in our community to fill potholes, buy office supplies, pay increased postage rates, buy a few bricks, update some computer software and help out with many city expenses. And over the course of the years, with the continued good management of the investment community and the work of the mayor, city council, and city workers looking for ways to save money, we might even miraculously see a decrease in our taxes.

BOY, IT'S BEEN some morning. I just got the baby fed and down to bed and thought I'd kick back and relax, and turn on the TV. What I get is a commercial about Tylenol with screaming, crying babies on it. Enough is enough with these ridiculous commercials.

MR. BUSH SEEMS to be calling all the punches in this war of his. Most everything is running according to his schedule. I wonder how the Republicans will try to call this a Democrats' war?

DEAR SPEAK OUT: I cannot keep silent any longer. The problem with education is not money, it's bureaucracy, I feel we have a good school board, but the NEA and the ridiculous idea of tenure has tied their hands. I'm old but I still remember all of my teachers: the good, the bad and the indifferent. Thank God I had a few really good ones. Something is wrong with the school system. When I was in high school, three teachers became suicides, two females and one male. The male teacher was probably the most intelligent person I ever met in my life but he could not teach. My father cared nothing for school as such, but he gave us all a love of learning that would last all of our lives. Do you think there are incompetent teachers now? Yes, there are. There have always been. Through 60 years that I know of, students must rise above them and go on. The school board must root out the incompetents and see that tenure is no longer a tether to good education. As anyone can see, I am a graduate of life; not a Ph.D., not a M.D. or any other sort of letters. Thank you.

ALTHOUGH I'M AWARE that the IRS is the Gestapo of this country, I would truly like to know who examines their tax returns. Thank you.

I WOULD LIKE to comment about the Grammy Awards and this here Sinead O'Connor and this rap group, Public Enemy. I think they're right on the nickel boycotting the Grammy Awards. I've been boycotting the Grammy Awards ever since they've started. I've never watched them. After all, it's like I always say: If it ain't country, it ain't music. Thank you.

NO ONE IS totally worthless. They can always be used as a bad example.

THIS IS WEDNESDAY and Pat Buchanan, you blew it this time, boy, when you said that President Bush should have taken seriously Saddam's first offer to withdraw even though it had all kinds of ridiculous conditions attached. If we do allow his retreat now, with his 150 safe planes in Iran plus more hidden planes and thousands of buried tanks, then we'll have to fight him again in a few years. Pat, you said yourself that Egypt's Mubarak and King Fahd would be marked for death by Saddam if he survives. We are poor friends if we allow that to happen. We will never again have the present full strength and backing to eliminate this tyrant. So I say let's do it now.

THIS IS IN response to the issue with Advance schools and tobacco products. You'd think with all the positive things that have happened at that school this year, compared to the things that have happened there in the past, that people would be able to focus on more than just a few teachers who use tobacco products. Everybody is only human; they all have bad habits. I think if you got to looking, there would be a lot worse things in that town than the use of a few tobacco products. People need to focus on the positive instead of just the negative. Thank you.

I WISH NOBODY had ever called George Bush a wimp. I think he's still trying to disprove it, and, by doing so, he's going to get a lot of people killed.

I'M THE PERSON who called in before and said I think we need a military draft. It seems like my thought struck a nerve somewhere. Someone responded and said he thinks women should go to war to prove they're equal. I just want to say to you: Thanks, macho mouth, you just proved my point. Thank you.

I WOULD LIKE to comment about this Sinead O'Connor. I think she's been shaving her head too close and maybe shaving her brain, giving her brain damage. You know, she says she doesn't want to hear the American national anthem. It wasn't long ago, about 50 years ago, when the Germans were threatening to come across the British Channel and take England and Ireland both, that they were glad to see the Americans. How quick we forget. Maybe next time we won't be so quick if anything happens. Beyond that, it saddens me to see young Americans think that she's a great singer when somebody shuns our country like that and American youth go and buy her records and listen to her. These American television companies play her.

I AM NOT GOING to pass judgment on anyone with long hair. I will not do that because I cannot judge you, but will you read 1 Corinthians 11:14? I quote: "Even nature itself teaches you that if a man has long hair, it is a shame unto him."

I WAS AT THE Ricky Van Shelton concert too, and a couple of drunks were sitting behind me. Not only were they drunk, but they were chewing and spitting. I have a suggestion. If they must sell beer at these concerts for money reasons, why don't they designate an area for drinkers, spitters and smokers to sit together so they can all be together and step on each other's toes and spit on each other and have a great time among themselves, and the rest of us can enjoy a good, clean concert. Thank you.

WHY CAN'T JOHNNY read? Are we ever to become a nation of readers? The facts are sad and clear. There are five times as many video stores as there are public libraries in the country. Most American adults don't read even one book a year, and, according to statistics available from the A.C. Nielsen Co., our 6-to-11-year-olds watch an average of 23 hours and 39 minutes of television each week while our 2-to-5-year-olds manage to clock a staggering 27 hours and 49 minutes. Is there anything we as parents can do about the sorry state of affairs? Yes. According to the landmark study by Delores Dirkin of Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City, those children who enter school knowing how to read and those who learn without difficulty in the classroom had one thing in common: they had all been read to. I'm a parent and a teacher. We as parents can contribute tremendously to our children's success throughout school and through their later life. We need to give our TVs a rest, snuggle with our children with a book, and enjoy. Let's build back a nation of readers. Thank you.

THE ST. LOUIS Symphony was great on Saturday night and we want to thank the Council on the Arts, the parks department, Concord Printing, Famous-Barr and Schnucks for giving us the free concert. We hope they'll do it again.

TWO EXTRAORDINARY CAPE Girardeau city firemen have left the department, one due to illness, one on his own free will and accord. Both had qualities of courage and leadership that are rare in this age. Both men worked under the direction of Chief Carl Lewis for a number of years. Both men had foresight and leadership. May both of these fine gentlemen be remembered for their accomplishments.

GOD FORBID FOR that this country should ever have to contend with another member of the powerful Kennedy clan, a family so rich that it doesn't have to abide by the law, whether it be to integrate or be tried for murder. But what else can a Kennedy do but be involved in politics? Nothing. You'll never see one lift his hand to make an honest living. Today's Kennedys are all trying to rest on their father's laurels and ride on their coattails. It takes one to know one, and every Kennedy this actress has ever seen should be on stage. Thank you.

PLEASE, SHOPPERS, BEWARE when buying your Desert Storm items. Be sure part of your money is going back to our military families who desperately need it. This is a sad thing that's happening here on the home front. The shopkeepers are getting richer while our heroes' families are suffering so. Right here in Cape there are stores that practice this service. Get your phone books out and call. That's what I did. This is a really important thing to me. Thank you.

I'D LIKE SOME information on what process you go through to get a loved one's flag at the County Park in the Parade of Flags. Thank you very much.

Your may contact Calvin Volgelsang, but not until after April 1. His wife said he will not know until then how many additional flags the park will accommodate this year.

SOMEONE NEEDS TO inform drivers of the proper way to make left turns when there are two left-turn lanes as at Kingshighway and Broadway and Kingshighway and William. I have seen several near misses with people not getting in the proper lane before making the turn, then cutting in front of someone because they want to make a right turn at the next corner. You would think, if people are smart enough to have a driver's license, they'd have enough sense to get in the left-turn lane that is the lane they want to travel in after making their left turn. In other words, if they're planning on making a right turn shortly after getting on Broadway or William, drive accordingly. Don't cut in front of someone. Thank goodness for good brakes.

JUST WANTED TO give a clarification on yesterday's Missourian on the hiring of principals in the Cape school system. The article said two people voted against it and three people voted for it. It's my understanding, to re-employ school personnel, it takes four votes. Is the article not correct?

The article was correct. Larry Dew, school system business manager, said a simple majority is necessary to rehire administrators. Because there are five instead of six members currently on the board, three votes were necessary to rehire them, he said.

I JUST WANTED to say that Southeast Missouri State baseball starts next week. The first game is Tuesday at Memphis State and the first home game is Thursday against Union University at 1. Please support the baseball team.

REGARDING THE ARTICLE: "Today I was in a store and there was a lady there with a small child getting her ears pierced. The child was screaming and protesting; she didn't want her ears pierced." I agree. What about abortion? My sentiments exactly. Think about it. Thank you, Speak Out.

THE QUESTION I have concerns the apartments the college is building. They say they are for married or non-traditional students. What is a non-traditional student? Please answer. Thank you.

Non-traditional students are older than those who attend college immediately after high school. The traditional college student is in their late-teens and early 20s.

TO ME, PRESIDENT Roosevelt was the greatest president this country has had in my 80 years of life. I remember the Hoover days. where people were losing their homes and farms every day, Banks were closing every day, people were losing all their savings. I remember my dad lost a $9,000, 60-acre farm. In the early '30s he owed $165 in taxes and interest, and the loan company, whom I will not mention but is well-known, would not give my dad one extra day to pay the $165. When Roosevelt was elected he called the three-day bank closure a holiday. For years no banks closed. Every loan company had to give people time to pay. Just look back and see all the great programs that Roosevelt started. I know that some people will disagree with this, but why was Roosevelt elected for a fourth term? Also, I read where in the last 10 years more people have become millionaires than in the whole history of the United States. That should tell you something. Thanks.

SOMEONE COMMENTED THEY think Geraldo Rivera resembles Saddam Hussein. You've got to be kidding. The only one Saddam Hussein resembles is the devil in looks and actions both. He's perfect.

I WOULD LIKE to second the caller who called in regards to Wayne Cryts. Yes, indeed, he was a hero. After the first election, when he was almost elected to Congress, he decided to run again. Mr. Kinder did do a good job of butchering him up pretty badly. I fully agree that the Southeast Missourian is very impartial to where the Republican candidates are concerned. Thank you.

Again we will explain that opinions expressed in columns are those of the columnist and not the newspaper. The newspaper's opinions are expressed solely in our editorials.

AS A CITIZEN of Cape Girardeau I am not overly confident with the leadership or lack of leadership within our city government. However, I do want to commend Al Stoverink and whoever else is responsible for investing our tax dollars in programs where we would see the greatest return on the dollar. If any of the area institutions could at least match the rate of return, I would be the first one to say, yes, keep our money at home. I want what's best for everyone, but if I invested my business money like some of the councilmen want the city's money invested, I would end up having my employees included in the unemployment figures. I find Councilman Richards' statement, where he says that the California bank and, or, savings-and-loan company is probably being investigated very unprofessional. Also, Boatmen's Bank donated that $25,000 under its own free will with no stipulation regarding city investments. I also recommend strongly against preventing out-of-city-or-state investing.

I'D LIKE to comment on a piece in Speak Out. In reply to the person in Speak Out who said his mother had to give her house to his brother and let the state taxpayers pay the nursing-home bill on her husband, why didn't she sell the house instead of giving it to her son? Thank you.

I WISH TO thank the people who brought the St. Louis Symphony to this area. The music was beautiful; in fact, it was heavenly. Too often we don't have a chance to hear this kind of music. I wish music like this could be heard on radio. I once kept my car radio tuned to KEZS, easy listening music. It calmed everyone who heard it. Is there any station near here that broadcasts music like this?

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SOME TIME AGO I read someone in Speak Out suggesting that perhaps one reason we were doing so well the first day of the war was that they were not using drugs or alcohol. Now I hear that some people are preparing to welcome them home with bottles of alcohol. Also, I've heard that for some of them it's like a big Alcoholic Anonymous meeting to be together with people who are dependent upon it. Why can't we ever learn? If they come home clean, why welcome them with more alcohol that will only make the problem worse? I just ask you to think about this and not listen to all the commercials that the alcohol industry tries to run down our throats. Thank you very much.

I JUST WANT to say something about the way Saddam Hussein is accusing us of bombing civilians. First of all, he sits there launching those stupid Scud missiles when he doesn't even have any idea where they're going to land. They could be landing on babies for all he knows, which they are. Then he blames us for bombing those civilians in that bomb shelter when it's a military base. If he had enough brains he would know what is going on. People like him always have something up their sleeve, like when he accused us of bombing one of their churches when we have evidence that he did it himself. Thank you.

WE EXACTLY DON'T know how we got into this war. If you have a chance, read Patrick Buchanan. He says it all. Now the oil spill was part of our own bombing. We were made to believe that Hussein was dumping oil in the gulf. What do we know? Just what they want us to know and believe.

I'D LIKE TO comment on light bulbs. Every time I buy one it gets busted by some street punks. They call me bad names and I yell at them at night. They put shaving cream on everything. I live on Good Hope and that's one of the worse streets in town. I hope the person who did this reads my comment. When this happens it's always at night so I can't see their faces. If this happens again I think I'm going to go crazy. Thank you.

I WISH THE television wouldn't show so much disapproval of the war. I think we ought to support our troops and the president. Thank you.

I WAS UNABLE to reach KFVS-12, and I figured you would probably give me a more honest answer on my question anyway. I have just watched the ridiculous coverage of a dozen kids complaining about the Desert Storm operation. I am wondering, can you tell me, is Peter Arnett the news director of KFVS-12? Thank you.

TO WHOEVER THE POWERFUL person out in telephone land is who says, if this war is not stopped now, and I quote, "I will cause pure hell if our big powers-that-be don't stop it now:" Since you're so powerful and smart, you should be over there in the battle area to cause your pure hell; to either stop the war or a bullet, whichever comes first. Thank you.

SADDAM HUSSEIN MAY have come out of his hole and seen his shadow on Ground Hog's Day, but now he came out to see his country go up in smoke. Twenty years from now we'll all be driving Iraqi cars. I don't believe this man and I wouldn't trust him for one minute. This is just a big trap.

EDUCATION IS THE hope of tomorrow is one way of avoiding the problems of the present. Perhaps the governor should address this.

THIS IS TO the person saying Geraldo and Saddam Hussein have a resemblance. I have a question for you. What's your point? Thank you.

SCOTT CITY HIGH School is thinking about getting rid of wrestling. I think they should think about the kids before they make any decision like that.

OK, SPEAK OUT, it's my turn. All I've read about the Show Me Center beer sales is negative. This is to all the cry babies who are either too old and set in their ways or just can't handle a good, cold beer while enjoying a concert. Lighten up. You don't hear people griping about everyone who drinks soda constantly and gets up and spills the sticky stuff down your back or on your chair while they run to the bathroom; and this happens not only at the Show Me Center, but at all movie theaters. They also chew tobacco and spit in a cup there, too. So, if it's such a problem, why don't you folks try alcohol or a non-alcohol section at the Show Me Center? Thank you.

OUR GOVERNMENT ALONG with the British are using our supplies, our surplus, to fight the war. People need jobs and they won't start up the factories to make more war products. In the future, no doubt, we don't know what we might need them for. So I think it would help the economy out a whole lot if we would put those people back to work that do good jobs. God knows they do a good job for us over there. We Vietnam veterans appreciate them. Thank you.

IF SADDAM HAD made his so-called peace proposal before Christmas, he wouldn't have lost so many people and we wouldn't have had so many MIAs. He waited too late, and he hurts his people and anybody who he wants to use to get his way. It looks like his way is not going to be his way. That sounds repetitive, doesn't it?

THIS IS TO the lab person who criticized the school lunch program for too much butter and cheese. I have been with the school lunch program for over 20 years, and I think we need to give credit where credit is due. True, we do use butter and cheese. Most of it is donated by the government. But, what little butter they get on their vegetables, you don't have to worry about. They don't eat their vegetables anyway; they throw them away. Where you should look is at the child's overall diet, not just what he gets at school. What about all the fast-food restaurants they patronize? What about all the junk food they eat after school? If the parents had a good, overall diet program for their children at home, they wouldn't have to worry about what little cholesterol they might get at school. Thank you.

I TOTALLY AGREE with Mike Royko's column in Friday's Southeast Missourian. I think everybody should read this. Thank you.

WELL, MY FRUSTRATIONS have reached the point where I'm doing something I thought I'd never do, which is call Speak Out. I am tired of watching the news media as it misreports the affairs of the war in the gulf. I'm tired of watching and listening to those people, concentrating on the many, many people in Kuwait and Iraq who have been murdered by Saddam Hussein, and yet, according to the news, they point the finger of accusation at the troops, who are fighting in the gulf region trying to preserve freedom. You would think we had purposely targeted them: the civilian populations of Iraq. There is never any mention made of the fact that these people are sentenced to death by Saddam Hussein through the simple process of him placing them in points where they are bound to become victims of the war. I don't know what the news media in this country expect us to do. It seems to me it's about time for the members of the news media to declare their allegiance. They're constantly harping about the fact they're not allowed to report, when all they do report is aid and comfort to the enemy. I think it's time the American people stood up and be counted and recognized. It is difficult enough to fight a war against an enemy as fearsome and completely devoid of any human compassion as Saddam Hussein and, at the same time, have to fight the propaganda machines with the American news media.

IN REGARD TO the tax increase for the elderly and the poor, couldn't some method be assigned to cull out those unworthy people who seek the benefit of the taxpayer and channel it into a place for the needy only?

TO THE PERSON who called into Speak Out on Valentine's Day equating sterilization with abortion, you are so wrong. I am so tired of the pro-abortion side trying to make that connection. It's a connection the pro-life side never makes. It's very clear to us there's a big difference between preventing a life from forming and then killing a life that already exists.

I NOTICED ON the news that our country and our troops are apologizing for killing a few Iraqi citizens. Last week they felt bad about killing a few Jordanians. I say this is war, and somebody had better remember what war is like. I would suggest that we let the first guy who complains about what we do have a few of those bombs, be it the Russians, the Jordanians or the Iranians. The more of these people we kill the better off we'll be. Thank you.

I JUST WONDER WHO SADDAM thinks he is killing when he sends those Scuds over to Israel. He isn't even trying to hit a military target or anything else. He called the United States a paper tiger at one time; thought they wouldn't fight. Now he's crying his eyes out because some of his own people are getting killed, when he started the whole thing. I put 20 years in the military, and, when President Truman dropped that bomb on Japan, it was a good possibility that he saved my life. So, if crazy Saddam lets that gas lose, I'm all for pinpointing his bunker and dropping a couple of bombs right down his neck, and I mean the big ones. Our military is second to none. I was in there long enough to know what I'm talking about. If anything burns me up, it's when the media says we accidentally killed civilians. All they've got to do is get the hell out of Iraq. We've got that bomb to stop wars, and I think this one should be stopped. Thank you very much.

AS A BACKER OF our forces over in the Mideast, I think one of the best ways we can back our boys and show our support for them is for everybody to contact their congressmen and senators, get the news media's visas all pulled, and force them back over here; or else put them in a uniform and put them up front. They're wanting to let Saddam know what our forces are doing anyway. Put them up front so they can't be trying to get all the information to him. Anybody with common sense knows he's sitting over there watching TV trying to find out everything that's going on. Thank you.

HOORAY. I AGREE with the person who called about our people who join the armed forces and receive the pay for months and years. Now that they have to leave their family and jobs to pay for their easy money, it's bad. My husband was drafted and had to leave the farm. I was pregnant, had our baby by myself, and he didn't see our son until he was 6 months old. I didn't have any support group or canned food help like I hear they are now wanting to have. Back then we weren't pampered, but stood on our own two feet. Thank you.

I'M CALLING IN response to the person who called in listing the most hideous criminals in history. I won't bother to repeat the people that she or he mentioned, but that indicates to me that that person has been living under a rock for many, many years. Now that that person has come out from under that rock they're going to find out a lot of things not to their liking.

I UNDERSTAND THAT last year's Miss USA is up in arms and she's griping about something, but I don't understand what she has to gripe about. Everybody else has to pay taxes on his winnings; why shouldn't Miss USA? She's only a beauty-contest winner, the same as a "Wheel of Fortune" or lottery winner. Apparently last year's Miss USA is not too intelligent and not very grateful for the honor. The United States of America has nothing to do with that beauty contest. Thank you.

I JUST GOT through watching the news here on channel 7, Dan Rather, and, if people think that killing those civilians is bad, I wish they would have just watched the news tonight and seen the guns that the civilians were packing. When our men go in there, when the ground war starts and our men go in, those boogers are going to be the ones shooting at them. So I just thought that they should turn on their TV and watch a few things when they feel sorry for those civilians. Those guys have all got those automatic weapons too. Thank you.

I WANT TO comment about these deadbeats who have gotten away with running up $700 to $800 sewer bills. It would take six or seven years to run up a bill like that, and it tells me someone on city staff is not doing his job letting them go that long. No wonder the trash fee had to be doubled a while back. Thank you, Speak Out.

I'VE BEEN READING the reports on the bombing of the shelter that was supposed to contain a bunch of Iraqis. I think not only are they a bunch of communists over there, but we've got a bunch of news media people who are communists. They seem to think everything the American people do over there is some kind of dramatic, shocking thing. They don't take into consideration what Saddam has done to all of the Kuwaitis and all the other people he's murdered. I just wonder what it's going to take for all you do-gooders out there. Maybe it'll be something like Hussein getting an atomic bomb on an ICBM missile and dropping it right in your lap. Then maybe you'll get rid of your do-gooder attitude and think about what the man is doing. I think Charles Karault, Leslie Stahl, Dan Rather, and all the rest of the news media should be held accountable for what they're doing. As far as I'm concerned, they're communists along with Huessin. I think they ought to nuke those people; drop a nuclear bomb on the whole country and get rid of all of them.

I WANT TO express my thoughts towards the person who has a problem with chewing tobacco in the Show Me Center. I chew; I like it, and you can't stop me. So, if you don't like it, don't watch. Thank you.

I THINK WE as Americans had better start helping ourselves before helping to rebuild Iraq once this war is over. What a shame. I think we'd better rebuild America bigger and stronger so that this doesn't happen again. All we'll do is give them a chance to get a run on us again. Let's keep America strong. Thank you.

IT SEEMS TO me there's one solution to the war with Iraq: eliminate Saddam Hussein and completely level Iraq and Kuwait. Then we don't have to worry about any mines they've laid and we can bring our troops home.

I AM A senior citizen and I did vote for your ball diamonds, plus the purchase of more park land, plus that complex building. Since voting is supposed to be by secret ballot, how do you know senior citizens defeated the park issue? You don't. I suspect that more voters your age voted against the park issue than voted for it.

IN RESPONSE TO the report of our city council investing the taxpayers' money in outstate banks, this is the most ridiculous action I have ever heard of. I certainly agree with our bank officials. Our tax money should be left in our banks to help the economy of Cape Girardeau.

I JUST WANT to say God bless the 24th Infantry Division.

I AM 100 percent for the troops, but I am 100 percent against President Bush for sending them to the Middle East. Is Bush naive enough to think he can clean up the mess over there in a few months? Those people have been having problems for thousands of years. After this war is over and something else happens, do we go over there and have another war? I wonder. Thank you.

I JUST FINISHED filling out my income tax. I'm going to get a refund from the federal government of $277. I'm going to have to pay the state of Missouri $236. So, if those people up in Jeff City think that I am going to vote for another tax increase, they might as well just save their time. There's no way.

I THINK WE SHOULD combine two projects that are in the works for Cape. I think we should rethink the location of that new bridge and put it at the east end of Independence Street, and then use Independence for the new Interstate 66. Thank you.

I READ WITH interest the article concerning the traffic light in Jackson at Donna Drive Sunday in Speak Out. I agree a light is needed there; however, it is the state highway department that must put the light in at this intersection. The city council in Jackson has requested several times that the highway department put this light in, and it's up to the highway department to see that it gets put in. Thank you.

IT HAS BEEN reported that many of the Iraqian troops are afraid to defect because of fear for the family at home. If Saddam is allowed to stay in power, he withdraws from Kuwait, what will become to the prisoners that have defected? Thank you.

IN REGARDS TO Brenda Shane's comment in Speak Out about the I 55-Route E interchange, I'm also an Oak Ridge resident and find there are also many reasons that people in the community do not want to see the interchange. A lot of the people that signed the petitions could care less if the interchange is put in, nor would they benefit from it or even use it. They just signed it. As far as relieving traffic in Fruitland, the only thing that would help there would be if people would drive slower through town and have respect and common courtesy for other drivers. There is none of that now. As far as saving time in the community in commuting to work, what are a few miles? Some of the Oak Ridge community residents could use the Old Appleton exchange if they wanted to without going any more miles. It seems like a lot of money to spend just for a few people's convenience. There was evidently good reason not to put in the interchange to start with. Thank you for letting me voice my opinion.

I'D LIKE TO say let's not be too hard on poor Saddam Hussein since he wants peace supported by a few protesters here, according to him. What he means is he wants a piece of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and any other country that borders Iraq. Since he still wants all of Kuwait, he will not want any piece of the allied air forces, ground forces and Navy. Now, I ask you, isn't that fair enough? Thank you.

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