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OpinionJuly 3, 2015

I wonder if Republican candidates for office will now take the low road in hopes of political gain or the high road and come up with ways to improve the now constitutionally upheld Affordable Care Act. You know, I don't really wonder about it. It's just a matter of how low they will go...

ACA Road

I wonder if Republican candidates for office will now take the low road in hopes of political gain or the high road and come up with ways to improve the now constitutionally upheld Affordable Care Act. You know, I don't really wonder about it. It's just a matter of how low they will go.

Left turns

The word "moving," as in moving leftward, is not the best word to use to describe the direction in which our country is moving, politically. A better word would be "racing."

So ordered

We can continue to breathe dirty old coal fumes! The Supreme Court OK'd it.

Many colors

One minute our president sings "Amazing Grace," and you think maybe he's had a change of heart or something good is going on in his life. And the next minute, he's got the White House lit up like a rainbow. What a guy.

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Good for your health

Although high blood pressure can have devastating health consequences, it has been shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's. If your top priority is to reduce this risk and you seek to elevate your blood pressure, then I would suggest the easiest way to do this is to read the columns, including reprinted ones from various and sundry right-wing sources, consistently published on the Southeast Missourian's Opinion page.


I wish that we Christians were as infuriated by child abuse, sex trafficking, greed and the terrible injustices in this country as we are about two people wanting to get married. I am much more concerned about those who hate others than people who simply love each other.

Debt piling up

I'm watching my TV about Greece and Puerto Rico and the huge debt they cannot pay. I figure in a few more years down the line, that's going to be us on the TV. The United States is so far in debt, and our government does not do anything to stop it. They just keep wasting our money. And we're going to be the ones defaulting on our loans. Sad, but true.

177 retrospect

I don't know how old these kids are that are running MoDOT, but they were talking the other day about how Highway 177 would cost so much and all this stuff to raise the road. I remember about 20 years ago, that road was a lot worse than it is now. And all they did was drove a bunch of trucks through there and dumped a bunch of rock on top of the road that was there. And then everybody drove over it. And after the water went down, they resurfaced it with blacktop. I guess they don't remember that. The rock is all they had invested and the blacktop. It couldn't have cost that much.

Not slavery flag

Why is the country, South Carolina included, not remembering the Confederate battle flag is not connected to slavery? The North-South war was fought because of cotton. The North was setting the price of cotton. They were buying from the South. The cotton growers from the South wanted to ship to England at a better price. The North blockaded the South so they couldn't ship cotton to manufacturers in England. North did not grow cotton, but it manufactured cotton. The rebel flag is representing an area of American history.

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