I WOULD like to thank Cape First for bringing Circle Squad here. Other churches came from to worship God together. It's not about denomination. It's about relationships and the lost coming to Christ.
THANK YOU for your article on ATVs. I could only hope that the parents of the boy racing his red ATV through Clover Hill Estates read it.
LET'S HEAR it for the Jackson Junior High School select choir that sang at Tan-Tar-A for the Missouri Music Educators Association Conference. This choir is led by Tyson Zahner and Beth St. John. This choir received a five-minute standing ovation. We are so proud of our choir. So let's hear it.
APPARENTLY YOU can learn from social lessons in parking lots at retail stores. When I was at a store today, I learned how lazy people can be. There were quite a few carts that were not returned to the nearest cart-return center, and there were tons of people driving around looking for the nearest parking space when they could have parked farther away and completed their shopping. No wonder the French find us despicable.
I HAVE lived in 17 cities, and not one of these cities hired outside consulting firms. Is there no one in Cape Girardeau who can think?
WHIPPING IS what they did to slaves what they do to torture people. When my children were young, I spanked them. They didn't get spanked often. They learned. There was no whipping involved.
Businesses, by their very nature, only care about themselves and not their workers. Businesses will go to the cheapest place to get money. It's up to you to buy that product once a business leaves our country. Businesses should take care of their workers. They're disgracing themselves when they move to another country to get cheap labor. We don't have to buy their products.
SOME SOCIAL Security disability recipients have paid into the system. My husband was in an accident two years ago. We were both professionals and both had jobs. Now we're on Social Security disability. We get Medicaid and food stamps. We had paid into the system since he was 16. I've been working since I was 15. I had to leave my job so I could take care of him. Have you checked Missouri's Medicaid lately? I just drove 200 miles to take my child to a dentist. We all can be down on our luck, just like we found out.
U.S. SEN. Kit Bond is blowing smoke when he talks about the need for more barges on the Mississippi River. If these ethanol plants are put in, you're going to need fewer barges. An ethanol plant producing 100 million gallons will use 700 barges of grain a year. That's 700 barges that won't go down the river. We're not going to have that corn to sell to the rest of the world. We're going to have a trade balance that gets worse.
THANKS SO much to the person who commented about gimmicks and entertainment in churches. Please read Matthew 5:11-12. It says it all much better than I could ever say it. This is not limited to any one denomination. I know of four churches in Cape Girardeau that are bringing youths in by the hundreds, not just on Sunday and Wednesday. They daily love the Lord all week by visiting shut-ins, hospitals and nursing homes and running errands and visiting lonely seniors.
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