I want to comment about the Ferguson debacle. They put the guard out, but they stood on one side of the street way down the street from the rioters. Why didn't they put some of the guards around those stores that were burned and looted? Then when people would come, the guard could have told them to move along if you want to demonstrate. Demonstrate over in another area, but you're not burning these stores. I just can't believe how inept our governor is.
I just saw on the news where some people are helping a lady rebuild her business in Ferguson. This woman had a woman's dress shop and the two kids, oriental, had come up with their own plan to try to help and raised $10,000 to get her business going again. I applaud these people who even though it wasn't them that did this, they are going to step up and try to help these people build back. I think it speaks about our nation as a whole, not race or gender or anything like that.
Recently the Southeast Missourian had an article about Mr. Birk that did all the carving with a chain saw and two pieces of wood. Years ago he carved Ben Franklin for Franklin school. When the school was torn down it disappeared and we have never seen it since. People who went to Franklin and taught at Franklin would like to see Ben Franklin back. So, would somebody please return Ben Franklin and put him in a proper place?
It is hard to believe that every child born under the Obama administration will be the first financially strapped generation. Such as, their parents will not be able to help them because they are financially broken.
I noticed Obama went to Chicago a couple of days ago and he mentioned all about Ferguson, but up there in Chicago they got 4- and 5-year-old little kids being shot in the street. I think there were 18 young kids shot in the street and he didn't mention anything about that. How come people don't focus up there in Chicago?
State Representative' Holly Rehder's idea aside, we would make even more progress on reducing the near nation-leading Missouri meth problem if we had a statewide, instead of community by community, ban on sales of pseudoephedrine. The reason we don't is because the Missouri Legislature remains under the absolute control of Big Pharma.
I think the prosecuting attorney in the Michael Brown case did a really good job in presenting the case to the grand jury although he must have forgotten he was the prosecuting attorney and thought he was presenting the case for the defense.
I would like to respond to Dr. Bowen's opinion piece on RT. He is dead right on this; RT spreads conspiracy theories and other garbage. Their "experts" tend to be wack-jobs like Lyndon LaRouche and Alex Jones. Last time I looked Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech covered American citizens and not foreign governments. Shut it down along with all foreign state-funded "media"; like the UK's BBC, Red China's CCTV, Iran's Press TV and any other foreign state-funded lie machines.
If Hillary Clinton is going to be running for president, what are her thoughts on Ferguson?
Smoking levels are at an all-time low. Smokers are quitting in record numbers. And yet, sadly, Cape Girardeau continues to allow smoking in public places to the degree that our entire community is enveloped by the stale smell and accompanying hazards of second hand smoke.
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