This letter is written on the day after Thanksgiving. The morning news said that the COVID-19 pandemic has now taken more than 263,000 lives, and that more than 90,000 individuals are hospitalized with this disease. In Missouri these numbers are 3,900 and 2,750 respectively.
It didn't have to be this severe. Scientific testing has shown that quality face masks properly used will significantly reduce the spread of this disease. Instead of mandating the use of these devices, the federal government has turned the responsibility on whether to use masks over to the states. In Missouri the governor has said that he will not order statewide use of the masks. He is doing this in spite of the fact that the Missouri Hospital Association has urged him to take a stronger line on masking.
Gov. Parson has stated that instead of a mandate each person should exercise personal responsibility on this matter. He is quoted as saying, "Government is not going to be able to regulate where everybody goes and what everybody does." Unfortunately this rationale could apply to any type of action imaginable.
For example, 50% of the murders which take place in this country do not even result in an arrest. For St. Louis this figure is 54%. Obviously the government is not regulating every action of every person, but do we want to strike the statutes governing behavior such as murder?
We need leadership for the wearing of masks. Where is our governor?
JOHN R. PIEPHO, Cape Girardeau
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