Composers concert coming to university
Original compositions by two Southeast Missouri State University professors will be presented during a "Composers' Concert" at 8 p.m. Thursday. The performance will be held in Brandt Hall, room 205. The concert features original works by Dr. Robert Fruehwald and Dr. Sterling Cossaboom, both in the music department. Dr. Marc Strauss, associate professor of theatre and dance, will perform interpretive dance to the scores. The pieces will be played by Southeast students and professors on a variety of instruments. Tickets are on sale at the Performing Arts Box Office by calling 651-2265.
Record release party planned for Shady Deal
The Camp Family Restaurant will host a record release party for Shady Deal Saturday night. The doors open at 8 p.m., and the band should take the stage around 10 p.m. Shady Deal is introducing its new CD "The Lift" with release parties around the area. Band members are from Sikeston but often play in Southeast Missouri and Oxford, Miss., where several members attend college. The band always draws the biggest crowds at the Camp Restaurant, said Bob Camp. His mentor, Jim Dickinson, helped produce the band's album. One of the songs on the album is written by Dickinson and Camp.
Submissions needed for arts festival contest
The Arts Council of Southeast Missouri will sponsor a poster competition for the fourth Annual ArtsCape Spring Arts Festival. The winning design will be printed on posters, T-shirts and other memorabilia that will be sold at the festival and at the Arts Council's gift shop throughout the year. Deadline for submissions is April 3. The poster competition is open to anyone 18 years of age or older. The theme of the entries must celebrate the arts and Cape Girardeau or the Southeast Missouri region. Contact the Arts Council at 334-9233 or for an entry form.
'Art for the Health of It' to open Feb. 29
The opening reception for "Art for the Health of It," an annual juried competition, will be from 2 to 4 p.m. Feb. 29 in the surgical waiting room at Southeast Missouri Hospital. Artwork will be on display throughout March and April at the hospital. Juror's awards will be distributed at the reception. Co-sponsored by the Arts Council of Southeast Missouri, Southeast Missouri Hospital and the Cape Girardeau County Area Medical Society and Alliance, the show is open to artists living within a 100-mile radius of Cape Girardeau. Sixty-one two-dimensional multimedia works are featured in the exhibit. More than 100 entries by 46 artists were submitted to the competition; 42 artists are represented in the show.
Evening of music at Old St. Vincent's Church
Mark Forrest, an international Irish tenor, will perform at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at Old St. Vincent's Church in Cape Girardeau. He and his wife, Muriel, are founders of the Faith and Family Foundation, which benefits families of children with special needs. Donations for the concert will be accepted. For information, phone 334-6937.
Hubbard Street Dance Chicago comes to Carbondale
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, an acclaimed dance company, will perform at 7:30 p.m. at Shryock Auditorium in Carbondale. The group will perform pieces by Gershwin, Bach and the Rolling Stones, The dancers are celebrating 25 years of entertaining. The company was formed by Southern Illinois native Lou Conte, who now lives in the area.
University hosts Black Movie Weekend
Southeast Missouri State University will host "Black Movie Weekend" Feb. 27 and 28 on campus. Several films showcase decades of African-American cinema will be shown at the Johnson Faculty Center. For information and movie times, call 986-6135.
Evening of traditional music and dance
The Cape Friends of Traditional Music and Dance will host a community dance on Feb. 28 at Christ Episcopal Church. Joe Surdyk of Carbondale, Ill., will teach and call contra, square and circle dances. All dances are taught and no partner or costume is necessary. Donations of $5 per adult are requested. For information, phone Judy at 334-5829 or John at 335-7315.
Poetry coffeehouse at library
The monthly Poetry Coffee House at the Cape Girardeau Public Library will be at 7 p.m. Monday at the library. Participants will focus on the work of Langston Hughes. For information, call the library at 334-5279.
Paducah theater to present play
PADUCAH, Ky. -- The Market House Theatre will open its production of "Anne of Green Gables" Thursday. Shows are at 7 p.m. Thursday and Feb. 27 and at 2:30 p.m. Feb. 28 and 29. The play is adapted from the popular novel of the same name; it is the story of a spinster and her brother who hope to adopt a boy to work on their farm but find that the orphanage has sent them a girl by mistake.
Acrobatics come to Carbondale
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- A combination of martial arts and acrobatics, the performance of "Chi: A new era in acrobatics" will be at Shryock Auditorium Feb. 24. The show is at 7:30 p.m. and the 40-member cast performs gymnastics, dance, juggling and flying. For ticket information, call (618) 453-2787.
-- From staff reports
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