Guardian Angel Second Graders Receive Sacrament

Pictured are the students from Guardian Angel School who made their First Reconciliation on December 13, 2023. Left to right in front are Aubrey Graviett, Kinsley Dunivan, and Amelia Kyle. In the back row are Tripp McClard, Father Joseph Kelly, and Maverick Seabaugh.

December 13, 2023 was a special evening for five second grade students at Guardian Angel School in Oran. They received the sacrament of reconciliation in Guardian Angel Church with Father Joseph Kelly. They are currently also preparing for their sacrament of First Holy Communion, which will happen in April, 2024. This will be their second and third sacrament to be received. Mrs. Sandi Hulshof is their teacher and is preparing them for their sacraments.

The student's names are Kinsley Dunivan, Aubrey Graviett, Amelia Kyle, Tripp McClard, and Maverick Seabaugh. Guardian Angel School & Parish are very proud of these 5 young students.
