Prolotherapy: A minimally invasive treatment for joint pain

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Thursday, July 27, 2023

In recent years, there has been a push for less invasive or noninvasive treatments for joint pain and arthritis pain.

Traditionally, people have relied on over-the-counter medications such as Advil and Tylenol, prescribed medications, steroid injections or surgery. The issues with these treatment options are the side effects.

Medications, steroid injections and surgeries have risks, side effects and limitations, but are there other options?

Absolutely! There are many options that have little to no risk or side effects.

One option is called Prolotherapy, which is a process of injecting Dextrose into the soft tissue around the joint to stimulate your body’s normal healing response to heal the area of injection. This is used for rotator cuff issues, ligament problems, tendon issues and many other joint problems.

Carrera Williams, APRN, at PC Medical Centers is the only provider in the Cape Girardeau area providing prolotherapy treatment and is currently accepting new patients.

Other simple options for joint pain and arthritis are hydration (drinking water), eating a clean diet, organic nutritional supplements, breathing techniques (to increase oxygen), joint flexibility (stretching/yoga), muscle strength (working out/lifting weights), PRP (platelet rich plasma) injections and stem cell injections.

All of these options are less invasive with better potential outcomes than the traditional medical treatment options with the goal of improving the quality of the patient’s life instead of merely covering up the symptoms.

If you would like more information, visit or call (573) 335-9188 to schedule a free consult.