Wallingford and Amendment 3

We contend that Sen. Wayne Wallingford is the wrong person to represent the good people of Cape Girardeau in Missouri's House District 147.

There is ample evidence to support this assertion. For us it boils down to his apparent inability to comply with the will of the people, which is to have a balanced, well-managed government working to meet their needs. Aside from his self-serving campaign for self-demotion from state senate to state house to circumvent the spirit of term limits, the best example of his failure to understand his role is his support for Amendment 3 (A3) which is on the ballot right now.

A3 is better known to its opponents as "Dirty Missouri" because it un-does the will of the voters as expressed in 2018 by their overwhelming support for Amendment 1, best known as "Clean Missouri."

Clean Missouri put controls on lobbyist gifts to legislators, established limits to campaign donations, and created a non-partisan method for drawing fair legislative district maps. It was supported by 62% of voters across the state. It won in every senate district including Wallingford's 27th. It won in House District 147 with 58% voter support and was carried by every city ward.

Unfortunately, as soon as Clean Missouri was adopted, legislators like Sen. Wallingford began making changes to weaken its impact to benefit themselves and their cronies. Legislators like Sen. Wallingford think they know better than the folks they represent. To him Clean Missouri was a mistake because it was "too complicated for the voters to understand."

Amendment 3 is not a tweak. It is a complete reversal of Clean Missouri's fair re-districting initiative and will leave 25% of our state's population unrepresented. It was put on the ballot by Sen. Wallingford and the Republican majorities because they do not like the voters telling them to clean up their act. For this alone Sen. Wallingford deserves to be defeated.

We are going to defeat Sen. Wallingford and we need your help to get the job done. Please contact us at LeightonForMO@gmail.com or find us at Upballot.com/Andy-Leighton. We know we can do better together, and your support is very much appreciated.

Andy Leighton, Cape Girardeau

Paid for by Leighton For MO, Roy Leighton, Treasurer