Volunteer host families for 15-18 year old exchange students needed

CHS prom Chuck Burns, Julia Albrecht, Stefanie Diniz, and Liz Burns

The Council on International Educational Exchange, CIEE, is

looking for volunteer host families for the 2015-16 school year. Students are 15-18 years old, speak English, have spending money, and have their own insurance.

I am a local coordinator placing students in families at Cape Central High School, Jackson High School, Kelly High School, and Perryville High School. I offer orientation, make monthly visits in person or by phone to the student as well as the host family, plan fun activities, and will help with the application process. Support is available 24/7 from the national office in Portland, ME.

Host families will provide a bed and a quiet place to study, three meals a day, transportation, and an inside look at an American family. My husband Chuck and I have hosted four girls and have two more chosen for 2015-16. Please consider opening your homes and hearts to a student waiting to call your family home. Go to www.ciee.org/highschool for more information. Contact me @ burnsliz517@gmail.com or 573-979-0379.
