Jackson Art Group April News

Jackson Art Group Second Saturday featured artist and April's special hours

The Jackson Art Group featured artist for April is Karron Kidd of Whitewater, Mo. She is a

retired accountant who now works part time at the Post Office. Kidd has been an artist most of her life.

She said, "I inherited it from my dad, who worked in wood."

She used to show her work in Belleville, Ill. in the mid 80's at a juried art show. She painted

sweatshirts, vests and wearable art when this type of art was custom, not commercial as it is now. "I

work in a lot of different mediums and enjoy them all," she said.

Kidd received a Bachelor of General Studies degree from Southeast Missouri State University

a few years ago, where she took as many art classes as possible. "When I went to ceramics I almost

lived there," she said. Kidd's April Show at the Steck House Gallery, 210 E. Washington St., Jackson, will

include acrylic works, crocheted jewelry, knitted scarves, an Easter egg tree with hand painted eggs

(real and China). She will also exhibit a bleeding heart series comprised of a charcoal, watercolor and

acrylic bleeding heart. The artist's reception will be Saturday , April 9 at the Steck House Gallery.

The Jackson Art Group's special hours this month

The Steck House Gallery will be open three consecutive days, Thursday, Friday and Saturday,

April 7, 8, 9. Thursday and Friday hours, begin at 10 a.m. at the Steck House Gallery. These added

dates are in conjunction with First Presbyterian Church's basement sale which will be in operation

Thursday and Friday--beginning at 7 a.m. First Presbyterian Church is located at 206 E. Washington

St., Jackson--the corner of Hope and Washington Sts. Please note that the church basement sale is

not open Saturday.

The Steck House Gallery will be open every Saturday, April 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd, from 10

a.m. to 7 p.m. except April 30 when Jackson Art Group members will display their works at the St.

Louis Iron Mountain Railroad Arts and Crafts exhibit--beginning at 9 a.m.--where there will also be

activities for children. SLIMRR is located at the corner of E. Jackson Blvd. and Hope Sts. in Jackson.

Please visit and consider becoming a member of the Jackson Art Group, established in November,

