Speak Out 5-24-24


The big problem with gun crimes is that judges are not holding these people accountable. Most have been arrested several times, but the courts just give them a slap on the hand until something serious happens.

Recreational pot

The real reason the Biden administration wants to reclassify marijuana is so Hunter can have easier access to it and won’t have to find a special hiding place for it in the White House. Recreational marijuana is the one sport he plays like a professional.

Capobianco’s column

In the May 21 sports page commentary, Tony Capobianco stated that the Pope blessed same-sex marriage. He did not say that on "60 minutes" and, in fact, corrected "60 minutes" for saying he blessed same-sex marriage. What he said was, that he blessed each individual, but the Catholic Church didn’t bless same-sex marriage. Tony is entitled to his opinion, but get the facts correct.

GOP reality show

Congressional Republicans need to stop trying to “own the libs" and get down to actual legislation that will help all Americans. Their reality show mentality and angertainment gimmicks are not working at all. They need to stop sending low-IQ, dumber-than-a-box-of-rocks candidates to represent them and start helping Americans, not just Trump!

Gun rights

I’m tired of hearing about the rights of gun owners. What about the rights of the general public to freely assemble and to walk about freely without fear of being caught in the crossfire? The answer is not to arm more people and return to the Wild West of shootouts. Now is the time for stronger gun laws and the funds to support better law enforcement.