Grandparent Day Celebration at Guardian Angel School

Guardian Angel Church was filled with many grandparents who came to celebrate Mass with their grandchildren for Grandparent's Day.

Thursday, September 14 was a special day for the students at Guardian Angel School. The grandparents of the students were invited to come to Mass to celebrate with them and then go over to the school cafeteria to have cookies, milk and coffee with the students.

The church was filled with lots of grandparents. The 5th grade class was in charge of the readings and did an excellent job. After Mass, the grandparents walked to the gym and got their cookies and milk. They found a spot at a table and waited for their grandchildren to come down and join them. There was lots of laughter and chatter going on in the gym. This is a favorite time for both the students and the grandparents.

The official Grandparent's Day was Sunday, September 10.

Cora Houchins (5th) enjoyed having her grandma come from Bloomfield and celebrate Grandparent's Day with her.
The Seabaugh children got to celebrate with their grandparents. Pictured are: Kim & Kenny Dohogne, Adisyn Seabaugh (8th), Bessie Seabaugh, Kasyn Seabaugh (8th), Jude Seabaugh (K), Maverick Seabaugh (2nd), and Kambrie Seabaugh (4th).
The Hahn extended family had a table full for their grandparent celebration, with both grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Kirby & Sandy Hahn. Pictured from left and around the table are: Kirby & Sandy Hahn, Brandi & Lane Overfield (pk), Shelley Whited, Teagan (1st), Grandpa & Kase (PK) King, Kristy Pettit, Elaina Hahn (5th), Janet DeBrock, and Tucker Hahn (3rd).
Trase Webb (1st), Kallon Graviett (pk), and Tate Webb (pk)in front, had grandparents and great-grandparents present to celebrate Grandparent's Day.
