2023 Kindergarten Week at Guardian Angel School

On Monday, April 17, the Kindergarten students came to school dressed as an assigned letter person. Pictured left to right are: Teagan King (Ms. U-unusual umbrella), Brooks Curry (Mr. Z-zipping zippers), Case Taylor (Mr C-colossal cap), Fisher Gadberry (Ms. K-kaboom kick), Gibson Curry (Mr. H-happy hair), Lane Seyer (Mr X-different), Sawyer Dirnberger (Ms S-super socks), Jameson Levan (Mr M-munching mouth), Lucas Luttrull (Ms. L-longest laugh), Michael Weathers (Mr I-impossible inches), Weston Woods (Ms A-aachoo), Tennyson VanGennip (Mr. B-beautiful buttons), Trase Webb (Ms. T-tall teeth), Layton Strobel (Mr O-opposite), Mae Roper (Mr. R-rainbow ribbons).

Once all the letter people had been introduced to and discussed with the kindergarten class, Mrs. Cindy Seyer, kindergarten teacher, plans a celebration week for the class. It was an extra special week since it coincided with Beta Week.

Each of the letter people has a specific name and way to dress. On Monday, each of the kindergarten students dressed like the letter person they were assigned. They designed outfits at home and showed up at school all dressed up. The parents take lots of pictures and the students have a parade through each classroom to show off their unique outfits to the other students & teachers.

On Tuesday, the 8th graders rested with the kindergarten students during their nap time and then the kindergarten students received an extra recess. Wednesday was exciting, as the students got a tour of Fr. Kelly's house. The parents made cakes and brought them to school for a cake walk that happened before dismissal time. Some lucky students and staff members got to bring delicious cakes home that day.

Thursday was the day that the kindergarten students had to say goodbye to their precious letter people friends. Each student carried a letter person to the waiting bus that would take the people to the airport and then to letter people land. This is an emotional day for the kindergarten students. On Friday afternoon, the kindergarten class watched a movie and enjoyed popcorn, to end the jam-packed week.

The kindergarten class takes part in a cake walk hosted by themselves on Wednesday, April 19. Each class and the staff had a turn or two at trying to win a cake.

Kindergarten students each year enjoy having the letter people to visit and then stay till close to the end of the school year. The students had learned all of the alphabet by this time in preparation for their advancement to 1st grade in the fall.

pic 3117-On Monday, April 17, the Kindergarten students came to school dressed as an assigned letter person. Pictured left to right are: Teagan King (Ms. U-unusual umbrella), Brooks Curry (Mr. Z-zipping zippers), Case Taylor (Mr C-colossal cap), Fisher Gadberry (Ms. K-kaboom kick), Gibson Curry (Mr. H-happy hair), Lane Seyer (Mr X-different), Sawyer Dirnberger (Ms S-super socks), Jameson Levan (Mr M-munching mouth), Lucas Luttrull (Ms. L-longest laugh), Michael Weathers (Mr I-impossible inches), Weston Woods (Ms A-aachoo), Tennyson VanGennip (Mr. B-beautiful buttons), Trase Webb (Ms. T-tall teeth), Layton Strobel (Mr O-opposite), Mae Roper (Mr. R-rainbow ribbons).

pic 7429-The kindergarten class takes part in a cake walk hosted by themselves on Wednesday, April 19. Each class and the staff had a turn or two at trying to win a cake.

pic 3142-The kindergarten class students tried to spell several words with their letter people outfits. Here is Gibson Curry (H), Layton Strobel (O), and Trase Webb (T) forming the word HOT.

The kindergarten class students tried to spell several words with their letter people outfits. Here is Gibson Curry (H), Layton Strobel (O), and Trase Webb (T) forming the word HOT.

pic 7439-The kindergarten students carry the letter people down the hall and outside to put each one in a seat on a bus. The bus will take the letter people to the airport for them to return to letter people land for the summer. Victor Woods and Jameson Levan lead the class down the hall and out to the bus.

pic 7443-Each student carefully carried one of the letter people to the bus for a return to letter people land until the fall.

The kindergarten students carry the letter people down the hall and outside to put each one in a seat on a bus. The bus will take the letter people to the airport for them to return to letter people land for the summer. Victor Woods and Jameson Levan lead the class down the hall and out to the bus.
Each student carefully carried one of the letter people to the bus for a return to letter people land until the fall.
