Spooky and scary statistics about health care in America

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Thursday, October 27, 2022

Let me ask you a question: Is America healthy?

What was your answer? Based on my experience, your answer was probably a quick no.

I do presentations and work with individuals on a regular basis, and I have never had someone answer yes to this question.

It is something that we all know but don’t know why.

Well, buckle up, because I am going to show you some spooky and scary statistics.

America makes up less than 5% of the world’s population, and yet we spend more on health care than the entire world combined every single year!

So you may think, “Well, we spend so much on health care, we must have the best health.” We answered that question in the first paragraph.

So why do we spend more money on health care than the entire world every year but have low rankings of health, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)?

It comes down to one factor.

America’s health care system focuses on symptom reduction instead of functional improvement. In fact, there’s a statistic that proves it.

America prescribes more than 75% of the world’s medications and over 90% of the world’s opioids for pain.

So, basically our approach to health care is: “There’s a pill for that.”

PC Medical Centers’ goal is to give people the option of correcting the problem instead of covering it up with a pill.

So the next time you are in pain or you have a symptom, ask a simple question: What stopped functioning correctly? Fix the function and you solve the pain.