These bleachers are killing my back and knees

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Thursday, November 30, 2023

Do you find yourself saying things like: "These bleachers are killing my back"; or "I wish I could get down on the floor again"; or "I want to get back to walking"?

You've tried taking medications to stop the pain but it just covers it up. You've tried steroid injections but they don't last. You've been told you need surgery, or maybe you've had surgery in the past and you don't want to go that route.

You are not alone.

We hear these things every day, from people just like you, who are looking for options that will restore their mobility and allow them to enjoy their lives without relying on medications, steroid injections or surgery.

I know you are probably asking: How is this possible? Well, let me ask a question.

Where does pain come from? The answer is damage. And where does damage come from? The answer is improper function.

If everything is functioning properly in your body you don't have symptoms.

It works like this: Improper function equals damage equals pain.

So if we improve function, the damage stops, and the pain goes away. The added benefit is that you are able to return to the activities that the pain used to keep you from.

The best way to improve joint function is by improving the mobility. Balancing the weak and tight muscles will improve muscle function. Regenerative medicine and eliminating trigger points helps to improve the healing process.

By using all three treatment options at the same time, a patient is able to get better outcomes with less invasive procedures.

If you are facing surgery, taking pain medications, or using steroid injections to reduce pain, PC Medical Centers may be able to help you avoid these options.