Guardian Angel School Celebrates Catholic Schools Week 2021

Owen Morrison, Everett David, Xaveon Ross and Ashtyn Pobst are enjoying breakfast and wearing pajamas to school on the Monday of CSW.

Catholic School Week 2021, January 31 to February 5, had a different atmosphere this year with covid, at Guardian Angel School in Oran, Missouri. Normally the week is started with an All School Mass on Sunday, with the students participating in the Mass parts and a school choir singing. This year, the week started with Mass on Sunday, but the only student participation was a small group of girls singing a song during Mass. Also, the handprints of all the students were on posters and displayed in front of the church. The students wrote what their favorite part of school was on their handprint. (Celebrating Our Parish)

On Monday, the day began with the teachers preparing a breakfast for the students, who came to school in pajamas. (Celebrating Students) The students wrote thank you cards to the area businesses, as well as the Scott County Health Department, on Tuesday and the cards were delivered by the students and teachers during the week. (Celebrating Our Community)

Wednesday was a day to appreciate our nation. Everyone wore red,white, and/or blue. Grades K-8 gathered in the gym in front of the flag and prayers, written by students, were read aloud. Then the pk-8th grade went outside and circled around the flagpole, where they said the "Pledge of Allegiance". Normally, Wednesday is the day that parents and grandparents are invited into school to enjoy a delicious meal of chili & cinnamon rolls. This year, only the students, teachers, and staff received this meal. On top of CSW, Wednesday was also the 100th day of school at Guardian Angel School. The 1st & 2nd graders handed out 100 day stickers and then did some fun activities in the gym by using 100 items to build or make a variety of items, such as making a paper chain, building with logs, and stacking 100 cups. In the afternoon, all the K-8th students enjoyed house games with the archangel houses competing against each other for points. (Celebrating Our Nation)

On Thursday, Father Kelly came to school after 8 am Mass and told everyone why he picked the vocation of priesthood. Mrs. Kluesner, our principal, presented Father Kelly with a spiritual bouquet of prayers that were to be said for him by the students & teachers. (Celebrating Vocations) With Friday came a day for the students and teachers to go bowling at West Park Lanes in Cape. School was then dismissed at noon. (Celebrating Faculty & Staff)

Mrs. Michelle prepares to add syrup on top of Andrea Pobst's pancakes.

Although some slight changes had to be made due to covid this year, Catholic Schools Week 2021 was still a big success.

The pre-k class shows off their pj's on pajama day.
The Guardian Angel students and teachers read aloud prayers, on Wednesday, that some of the students wrote for our nation.
The entire student body circles the flagpole as they recite the "Pledge of Allegiance".
