Clean Your Way to Spring with MERS/Goodwill's Tips to De-Clutter & Donate

Did you know? More than 70 percent of Americans engage in the annual tradition of spring cleaning, according to a 2013 survey by the American Cleaning Institute. But one of the most common dilemmas for spring cleaners is what to do with all that stuff.

To celebrate Spring, MERS/Goodwill has prepared 7 tips to tackle in order to become a spring cleaning master:

Day 1: Go through your closet and remove any clothing you no longer wear. Donate it to MERS/Goodwill. Here's a good rule: if you haven't worn it in the last 365 days, you probably don't need it!

Day 2: As you're cooking dinner, take 15 minutes to go through your kitchen cabinets and find things you don't use. MERS/Goodwill accepts used kitchenware items and household goods.

Day 3: Go through your seasonal holiday décor and donate what you no longer use. That Halloween ghost statue you haven't displayed since the late '90s? It's time to let it go. While you're going through seasonal items, don't forget to look through your family's old Halloween costumes and donate those to MERS/Goodwill too.

Day 4: Technology changes fast and many people have tech toys, used computers and computer accessories lying around the house. MERS/Goodwill accepts working or non-working e-readers, tablets and other electronic items as donations.

Day 5: If you have a home office, see if you have any office supplies that you don't need. Clear your desk of unneeded backpacks, notebooks or binders-all can be donated to MERS/Goodwill.

Day 6: The seven days are almost done! But before you congratulate your decluttering efforts, take a minute to investigate the rest and relaxation or entertainment area in your home. How many DVDs do you own that you'll probably never watch again? CDs, DVDs, Blu-Ray discs, video games-they're all donate-able.

Day 7: Finally, take one last look at your bookshelf. If your paperbacks have gone the way of the printing press, never fear, you can donate your books to MERS/Goodwill too.

With these tips, spring cleaning can actually be fun! But more importantly, know that by donating your used items, you're helping neighbors set out on a path toward employment.

Visit to find a donation center nearest you.
