Children Helping Children

For over a year now, the children of Maple United Methodist Church have been learning to put their faith in action. Currently, they are "going global" by joining with Methodists everywhere to collect money to buy treated nets for children's beds in Africa. The purpose: to keep the little children from being bitten by mosquitoes so they won't get malaria. Just $10 will purchase a net and hopefully, wipe out malaria once and for all. They are holding a walk/run Saturday, June 14, to raise the final money.

Other projects they have been busy doing this year include collecting money through the Blessings Basket and through NOISY OFFERINGS, for Melaina's Magical Playground,(they gave $1,700 towards the playground); painting walls and having birthday and Christmas parties for the AMEN Center in Delta and collecting monthly staples. They collect and help transport food to the FISH Pantry monthly.

They are inviting other children and their families to join them at Southeast Hospital's parking lot Saturday at 9 a.m. to walk from there to Perryville Road near the rose garden and out to Maple UMC on the corner of Cape Rock and Jean Ann Dr. For more information, and/or for pledge cards, or to drop off a contribution, please call the church office at 335-6890.
