Cape County Tea Party Meeting - 07/16



On July 16th, 2013 at 6:30pm, the Cape County Tea Party (CCTP) will hold its open monthly meeting at the Cape Girardeau Public Library. The meeting is also called Third Tuesday Tea Time (TTTT) and is held on the Third Tuesday of each month to continue the work to complete our Mission as stated below.

Our speaker this month will be Gretchen Logue, and the topic will be Common Core State Standards Initiative and the implementation in Missouri Elementary and High Schools.

Gretchen Logue

Gretchen Logue attended her first tea party rally back in February 2009 and four years later finds herself the co-editor of the Missouri Education Watchdog -- a blog dedicated to reporting on local, state and national education issues.

She is a wife, the mother of two children, and a native Southerner from Jacksonville, FL. She and her family moved to St. Louis so her older son could attend Central Institute for the Deaf and then the Moog Oral School for education. The family made this life changing decision because their son's needs were not being met by the only system available to him in Florida -- the public education arena. This is when she became convinced parents should have choices in their children's education using their own tax dollars as they see best.

She began blogging in 2010 when it was discovered no one was reporting that our nation's school districts were signing on to an education plan referred to as "Race to the Top". Her passion was ignited when she discovered Race to the Top was being promoted by the states departments of education and there were increased federal mandates being foisted on the states.

Now she is focused on helping educate communities in Missouri about the Common Core State Standards for Education.

Self-Governance / Civic Authority

There are lobbyists for unions; lobbyists for banks; lobbyists for lawyers; lobbyists for river smelt; lobbyists for death row murderers; lobbyists for sports stadiums. There are lobbyists for hospitals; lobbyists for labor; lobbyists for Wall Street; lobbyists for genetically modified corn.

Who's lobbying for you and me? The taxpayer / The voter.

Cape County Tea Party members are receiving training on how to leverage Self-Governance and use our Civic Authority. What are Self-Governance and Civic Authority? That's the tease. Come to our monthly Third Tuesday Tea Time meeting and get more information about the program and how we will be using it to advance liberty and freedom. We hope you will join us in this exciting program to advance the causes of Fiscal Responsibility, Founding Principles and Constitutionally Limited Government.


The goals of each meeting are to:

- Promote Self-Governance, Freedom, Free Markets, Responsibility, and Civic Authority

- Disseminate current and topical information that affects CCTP members and the community at large (typically a speaker)

- Engage the attendees in a form of activism to work toward the completion of our mission

- Increase the membership of the CCTP

Everyone is invited regardless of party or ideology! We hope you will attend! Expect homework!

For more information, see the TTTT link on our website:


Interview/General Contacts:

- Brian
- Jan
- Jeannie

Our mission is to attract, educate, organize and mobilize fellow citizens to secure Public Policy consistent with Fiscal Responsibility, Founding Principles and Constitutionally Limited Government under God.
