Heartland Writer's Guild February Meeting

The Heartland Writer's Guild (HWG) will meet at 2pm on Sunday, February 19th in the Steck House, next door to First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, with parking in the church lot.

Bonnie Stepenoff,author of five books,will speak of "Journaling to Publication". She recorded experiences working on a project at Big Spring in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways in a journal which became the book, Big Spring Autumn (Truman State University Press, 2008). Stepenoff worked for Missouri State Parks and then was a history professor at Southeast Missouri State University. A paperback version of her book, Thad Snow, a Life of Social Reform in the Bootheel, including a biography of Snow, will soon be released by The University of Missouri Press.

Persons interested in becoming acquainted with HWG are invited to attend. The purpose of HWG is to promote and support professionalism in published and unpublished authors and aid members toward the goal of successfully marketing what they write. Membership includes a subsciption to the monthly Heartland Writer's Journal and a membership directory as well as discounts on any HWG sponsored conferences. For more information see www.heartlandwriters.org or e-mail hwg@hearlandwriters.org
