Elwood Voss completes NAYLE training

NAYLE participant Elwood Voss

Cape Girardeau resident Elwood Voss, 14 and a Life scout with Boy Scout Troop 4008, recently completed the week-long National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE) training at S Bar F Scout Ranch in Knob Lick, MO. This course is offered by the Philmont Training Center based at the Rocky Mountain Scout Camp in Cimarron, New Mexico.

Voss, along with 47 other Boy Scouts from as far away as Maine and California, camped in a patrol setting where they used leadership skills to overcome challenging back-country situations. The course is designed to provide Boy Scouts with a wilderness experience that motivates them to follow a life of helping others succeed based on the values of the Scout Oath and Law. NAYLE equips youth leaders to be better Troop Leaders, National Youth Leadership Training staff members and/or superior camp staff. The course included advanced team-building skills, geo caching, wilderness first aid, search and rescue, Leave No Trace camping skills, and conservation.

This was the first Central region N.A.Y.L.E. course offered outside the Philmont Training Center in Cimarron. Voss, son of Chuck and Kristi Voss, is a freshman at Saxony Lutheran High School. Boy Scout Troop 4008 is sponsored by Trinity Lutheran Church Men's Club.
