Meet the new staff at Cape Area Family Resource Center

After School Program Volunteer Staff, Facilitator, and students during naming ceremony for new CAFRC members Snowflake the Guinna Pig and Snapback the turtle.

The staff of the Cape Area Family Resource Center has been searching for just the right fit in staff to join their team. It wasn't an easy task, many applicants didn't meet the high standards needed to ensure quality programming will continue. We finally were blessed with two superbly qualified applicants. These new team members are completely dedicated to the goals of the CAFRC. Bringing educational resources to aid in the development of our children and youth. Both have joined the staff at the Cape Area Family Resource Center adding to CAFRC goals of building strong minds within our youth through education.

Please help me to welcome Snowflake the Guinna Pig and Snapback the Turtle!!! We received our reptile friend from an ad placed on The Humane Society of Southeast Missouri allowed us to adopt a beautiful albino Guinna Pig they had been sheltering.

On Tuesday afternoon CAFRC had a naming ceremony for two of our newest staff members. Each child and staff wrote their chosen name on a piece of paper, then all names were put on the dry erase board to prepare to vote. The vote was determined by a raise of hands and the name with the most counts won. Snowflake and Snapback, he was a little hungry during the ceremony, hence the name. : )
