Scott County Central School Board: Carmen Thomas

Age: 41

Place of Birth: Chaffee, Missouri

Spouse, children's names:

Daughter, Trinity

Occupation: Student Accounts Program Specialist

Employer: Southeast Missouri State University

Business owned, all or part:


Previous offices held or sought:


Do you currently hold the office for which you are running? No

What in your background or education makes you qualified for this office?

A VERY involved parent who knows the value of a good education

What do you believe is the greatest challenge facing your school district?

The high school curriculum isn't strong enough to properly prepare the students for college. The students are achieving good grades in the classroom but as a whole, the school isn't doing well on the standardized testing. The teacher turnover has been horrible over that last few years so it makes it difficult for the students to learn.

If elected, do you have any plans for improving the school district?

Yes, I'd like to start with using funds to provide the necessary educational tools that the students need to be successful. The curriculum needs some work. The teacher turnover needs to be discussed to identify the problems as well as to offer solutions. There has to be a communication bridge between the school administration and the parents/community because it's been broken too long.
