Emerson is cap-and-trade foe

Cap-and-tax is on Congress' agenda, right after the election. That's right, they won't vote on this job-killing bill before the election. They don't want us to know what they really want to do to the U.S. economy until it's too late. I don't have to ask how Jo Ann Emerson will vote on cap-and-trade -- she's been one of the most vocal opponents of this bill since liberal Democrats and their extreme environmentalist backers on the Left Coast dreamed up the idea. Jo Ann knows how to keep jobs in the U.S., and we ought to keep her in Congress. Vote Aug. 3.

What does EPA stand for? How about Everyone Pays Again? They are set to single-handedly raise energy taxes on every American family and employer with a penny to their name. Who in their right mind would let them do that? Not Jo Ann Emerson, who wrote the House bill to stop the EPA from being able to implement cap-and-trade policy without the consent of Congress.

EVAN TRUMP, 2503 Fairlane Drive, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701