Seasonal Gifts and Tax Deductions

At this season of the year as we celebrate the holidays and take the opportunity to serve those who are less fortunate, we also realize that the end of the year brings to a close the 2009 tax season. Court Appointed Special Advocates of Southeast Missouri, Incorporated, a local organization which serves abused and neglected children in the 32nd Judicial District of Cape Girardeau, Bollinger and Perry counties offers area residents a way to help abused and neglected children and to relieve their own tax burden.

The Children in Crisis Tax Credit for 2009 provides that donations of over $100. made to CASA are eligible for a fifty percent tax credit. A donation of $100. is eligible for a $50. credit; $1,000. brings a $500. credit; $10,000. provides a $5,000. credit and so on. Please take this opportunity to assist CASA volunteers as they serve abused and neglected children in Southeast Missouri and at the same time lighten your own tax burden. . For further information, contact Linda Nash at the CASA office 937 Broadway, PO Box 1131, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701-1131, 573 335 1726.
