JJHS Cheerleaders Treat Local Hospitals

JJHS Cheerleaders are full of smiles and treats but no tricks.

On October 31st, while most teenagers were preparing for their own tricks for Halloween, the Jackson Junior High Cheerleaders stuffed treat bags and delivered them to the pediatric wards of Southeast and St. Francis hospitals. "When I was in second grade, I was stuck in the hospital over Halloween, and a couple brought their child in to deliver a treat bag to me," Captain Lacie Robinson said. "It brightened my day and made me feel like I wasn't missing out on such a fun holiday. We wanted to do something to brighten the kids' faces that were in the hospital over Halloween." Aimee Stockard said that it was fun seeing the kids smile. "There was a two year old that tried opening the Play-Doh with his mouth since he couldn't open it with his hands due to the IVs. They were so excited!" The JJHS cheerleaders made gift bags full of candy, crayons, coloring books, jewelry, Hot Wheels cars, and other various toys.

Pictured left to right: Jena Brotherton, Tayler Malone, Aimee Stockard, Captain Lacie Robinson, and Co-Captain Jordan Johns. Other cheerleaders that donated items and helped stuff bags are Jessica Peters, Jenna Houchins, Mady Scheper, Allison Gribbler, and Channie Elfrink.
