A lil' mud never hurt anybody

Every fall since I began dating my husband, my mother-in-law would ask for a full day out of "busy" lives to do nothing but run around and snap pictures of us and she did the same with my sister-in-law and her significant other at the time being.

Now, a few years or so later my husband and I, and my sister-in-law, both have daughters who are 9 months apart and we are starting a new tradition with our own kids. There isn't one of us who doesn't like a good "roll in the mud". No matter if it's on 4-wheelers, in Jeeps, or just in our bare feet. Our daughters are NO different.

What better way to spend a rained out day than to watch two adorable lil' gals play in the mud?

Bailey Rees (left) & Taylor Nothdurft (right)
