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SubmittedJanuary 7, 2010

TO KING OBAMA and HIS CONGRESSIONAL COURT YOUR 2010 WILL BE OUR 1776 The Declaration of Independence clearly states that when the will of the people has been discarded by an overreaching government, " it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new Guards (people to protect) for their future security." So be warned. The 2010 and 2012 elections are approaching...

W.s. Piercey


YOUR 2010 WILL BE OUR 1776

The Declaration of Independence clearly states that when the will of the people has been discarded by an overreaching government, " it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new Guards (people to protect) for their future security." So be warned. The 2010 and 2012 elections are approaching.

For the past half-century, our presidents and politicians have succumbed to their own world of ideologies, power and outside influences, and have abandoned the very core principle of our Republic: A government in which supreme power is held by it's citizens.

For the past twenty-eight years, Americans were governed by a series of "centrist" presidents from both parties. We stood on the sidelines as they expanded the size of government and recklessly spent the nation's treasure. In 2008, sixty-seven million Americans entrusted our government to a new era of "hope and change", but instead, were betrayed with lies, corruption, and spending of historic proportions.

While only twenty-percent of Americans claim to be liberal, President Obama and the Congressional leadership have pushed a leftist, progressive-liberal agenda that Americans have totally rebutted. We weren't listening when Obama told Travis Smiley in a 2006 interview, "I'm not interested in being a centrist or rushing to the middle."

The man behind the million-dollar smile was a master of oratory rhetoric, but a candidate of deception and false promises. "We will tell Washington and their lobbyists, that their days of setting the agenda are over. They will not run my White House." The Obama campaign shattered the presidential fundraising record by raising $745 million dollars. Unions, special interest groups and lobbyists have bought controlling interest of the White House, Congress, and every piece of legislation on the docket. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont recently confirmed the American sell-out with an honest statement. " Big money interests control the United States Congress." .

Candidate Obama's promises were blatant lies. " We need earmark reform. And when I'm president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely." Yet on March 11, 2009, he signed a $410 billion dollar omnibus bill with over 9,000 earmarks, for both political parties. His excuse. " I'm signing an imperfect omnibus bill because it's necessary for the ongoing functions of government." On December 16, 2009, President Obama signed another omnibus bill with over 5,000 earmarks, once again, for Republicans and Democrats. The latest Senate defense appropriations bill has 97 pages of almost 1,000 earmarks.

In a weekly address, Obama said, " It's time to fundamentally change the way we do business in Washington, so that it is more efficient, more transparent, and more creative." Creative, yes. Transparent, no. President Obama has dozens of hand-picked "czars" in key policy-making positions. Some of whom have the power to write regulations and even negotiate with the private-sector market, on behalf of the government. Senators, Susan Collins and Russ Feingold, have both asked the administration to identify these czars' roles and responsibilities. The Obama administration refused, and these appointees remain un-vetted, in spite of the Constitution's words in Article II. "..the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior offices, as they think proper, or in the heads of departments." King Obama, what happened to Constitutional checks and balances?

When announcing his candidacy for president 1n 2007, Obama said, "The cynics, and the lobbyists, and the special interests have turned our government into a game only they can afford to play. They think they own this government." And they do. Obama's first major piece of legislation, the $787 billion dollar "Stimulus Bill", was written in part by the Apollo Alliance. This group is endorsed by special interests such as the AFL-CIO, UAW, SEIU and ACORN. Senate majority leader, Harry Reid personally thanked the Apollo Group and said they " had been an important factor in helping us."

President Obama insisted the bill would " create or save three-and-a-half million jobs over the next two years" and keep the unemployment rate from reaching eight percent. Since he signed the bill, unemployment has reached ten percent and Americans have lost an additional three to four million jobs. Most of the jobs created or saved have been teachers, police, fire and construction related union jobs. The USA Today reported that 25,000 of those were new government jobs. This administration waited almost a year before holding its so-called "jobs forum", while 17 million Americans remained unemployed or under-employed. Seventy-percent of the stimulus money wasn't even allocated to be spent until 2010 and 2011, just before the next election.

All throughout 2009, President Obama continually pushed his disingenuous theme, " I will not rest until all Americans who want work can find work."

Yet, while average Americans suffered and cut back on expenses, this narcissistic president found time for two dozen rounds of golf, appearances on Jay Leno and David Letterman, a "date-night" in New York, numerous White House parties, and ten overseas trips to twenty-plus countries, more than any other president in his first year. He rarely turned down a magazine or television interview, and he found time to grace the covers of Rolling Stone, Vibe, Men's Vogue and GQ. Evidently the result of the 2008 election was for America's next "Idol." Editor of Newsweek Magazine, Evan Thomas, even said, "Obama, is sort of....god."

President Obama's ideology is the polar opposite of the average American. He actually showed his "disconnect" with middle-America at a private fundraiser in 2008. Referring to citizens' frustrations, candidate Obama said, "And it's not surprising then that they get bitter, then cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them."

The antipathy, Mr. President, comes from yourself. You view common, blue-collar citizens as a strange species that can't think for themselves, so you and the federal government must take care of us. This past summer, when we showed our frustrations by marching on Washington and attending town halls and tea parties, we were demonized, not only by democrats, but by the main-stream liberal media. Past Democratic Presidents, Carter and Clinton, both called Americans who disagree with the policies of America's first African-American president, "racists."

And you, Mr. President, at a private pep talk for democrats, said, "Does anybody think the teabag, anti-government people are going to support them if they bring down healthcare? It will encourage the extremists." King George III rebuked the colonists in the same manner over two hundred years ago. "The striking feature of America's inhabitants may not be in the end, an evil that they will become aliens to the kingdom."

Americans aren't against healthcare reform done sensibly and incrementally. What this nation can't afford right now, is a massive government reform filled with taxes, mandates and the "assumption" of saving $500 billion dollars in Medicare. The CBO score assumes that 100% of the cost cuts and improvements are guaranteed to happen, which is a fantasy . This healthcare bill is going to cost over two trillion dollars over a ten year period. Both the Senate and House versions are over 2,000 pages, and not a single lawmaker can explain all the details buried inside. Dem. Senator Thomas Carper calls the bill's language, "arcane, confusing and incomprehensible."

In order to move the healthcare bill forward, this administration and the Congressional leaders have signed off on unconscionable backroom deals and brides. Deals have always been a part of our corrupt system, but Congressional leaders have moved into unchartered waters. In Article I of the Constitution it states, "all duties, imposts{taxes), and excises, shall be uniform throughout the United States." Yet states such as Nebraska, Louisiana, Michigan, Massachusetts, Vermont and Florida, will benefit from individual money-saving deals, while the other states will be stuck with higher state costs. In the end, those states will pass the costs on to taxpayers in the form of new taxes, and that, it seems, would make those sweetheart deals unconstitutional.

Our president and the 111th Congress have become so obsessed with this bill's passage, they truly believe they will be anointed "saints" by historians. President Obama recently said of the healthcare bill, "It's the most important piece of social legislation since the Social Security Act passed in the 1930's, and the most important reform of our healthcare system since Medicare, passed in the 1960's."

Evidently, President Obama hasn't read the 2009 Social Security and Medicare Trustees Report. It states the combined unfunded liability of these two programs now stands at $107 trillion dollars. These two trust funds consist of useless paper certificates, merely IOU's the government writes to itself. And President Obama wants to add a third government-controlled and regulated program that will eventually bankrupt our country.

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According to Richard W. Fisher, President of the Federal Reserve Bank in Dallas, to pay off the current $100 trillion dollar debt, every American family would have to donate 1.3 million dollars. The other two solutions would be to raise the federal income tax revenue by 68% for perpetuity, or reduce discretionary spending by 97%.

The national debt is now over $12 trillion dollars and the interest is currently $400 billion dollars a year. Once the greatest nation on earth, America now has to approach foreign governments with tin cup in hand, and beg for money. In 1965, only 5% of our debt was borrowed. Foreign counties now own over 50% of America's debt, with communist China being our largest lender.

President Obama said in May of 2009, "The long-term deficit and debt that we have accumulated is unsustainable." Yet, this administration has compiled a $1.4 trillion dollar deficit in its first year. This is more than all forty-three previous presidents "combined." Congress has forgotten the difference between a million and a trillion. If you spent a dollar every second for twelve days, you would have spent a million dollars. To spend a trillion dollars, you need to spend a dollar every second for 31,000 years!

The president continues to blame the previous administration for the financial crisis, the recession and the unemployment numbers, but his policies have only made them worse. Before he ever took the Oath of Office, the 110th Congress had allocated $700 billion dollars in TARP funds to stabalize the country, with the support of Federal Reserve money and nearly 0% interest rates. It was these actions that brought us back from the "precipice," not the Stimulus Bill or the president's liberal agenda.

My fellow Americans, if we don't begin fighting back in 2010, the federal government will soon take control of our healthcare system, our capitalist system and the very freedoms our founders fought and died for.

The Obama administration is governing our nation with fear tactics, intimidation and political propaganda. The authors of the constitution almost regarded the free press as a fourth branch of government. It was their job to oversee the government's activities and actions.

Yet, in 2009, we only had one national news network, Fox, that held the Obama administration and our Congress, accountable for their actions. When Fox News revealed that Obama's Green Jobs Czar, Van Jones, had a radical background and was once a self-proclaimed communist, not a single network, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC, covered the story. When the corruption of ACORN, a major Obama supporter, was aired on Fox, all the other networks remained silent. In an authoritarian manner, President Obama and his top advisors began attacking Fox as a "non-news, biased network" and were welcomed by the other news networks to air the White House propaganda. The Obama administration tried for weeks to demonize and suppress the Fox network, but finally gave up, especially after improving the network's audience ratings.

Time and time again in 2009, when anyone opposed the president's policies they were attacked in a systematic manner. Unlike Nixon, this administration was not secretive about their enemies.

When the insurance companies began running national ads opposing the healthcare bill, they were threatened with possible anti-trust legislation. When Humana sent letters to its policy holders, explaining their opposition to the bill, the government issued a gag order, and they were silenced. Even the National Chamber of Commerce was "called out" publicly for its opposition to the bill. The US Senate has felt the wrath of Obama's attack dogs. The EPA ruled that carbon dioxide was a danger and must be regulated with greenhouse gas emissions. If the Senate fails to pass cap-and-trade, an Obama official said, "It is not going to be able to regulate on a market-based way, so it's going to have to regulate in a command-and-control way."

President Obama's most dangerous quality as Commander-in-Chief is his ideology of political correctness, preserving diversity and adopting a "Kumbaya" foreign policy doctrine. This president took an oath to protect and defend the constitution. His attorney general's oath goes even further, "to support and defend, against all enemies foreign and domestic." But Kalid Shek Muhammed, the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, which killed 3,000 Americans, is being afforded the same constitutional rights as every American citizen. This terrorist was captured on foreign soil and planned an attack against a military target, the Pentagon. Rather than facing a military tribunal as an enemy combatant, he is now going to be tried in a civilian court in Manhattan, as a common criminal. This is the true definition of "twisted logic."

Recently. my grand-daughter punched her older brother in the stomach. Under Obama's ideology, a time out would not be sufficient. I should have the American military arrest her and begin a court martial. This is the same logic being used to court martial three navy seals, who were once hailed as heroes. These seals had captured one of the world's most wanted terrorists, Ahmed Hashim Abed, who was involved in the murder and mutilation of four Americans in Iraq in 2004. Because one of the seals allegedly punched Ahmed in the stomach while in custody, all three seals must face a court martial and possible jail time. President Obama could stop this insanity, but instead, has turned his back on these soldiers.

In his first months as president, Obama continually said "I want to look forward, not backward." Yet he allows his attorney general to use precious time and resources to re-open an investigation into our Central Intelligence Agency, and has taken away their authority to interrogate captured terrorists. Meanwhile, in 2009, we had at least a dozen terrorist related incidents on our homeland. Our resources would be better suited investigating those who want to kill Americans, not a critical component of our security, the CIA.

The most disturbing aspect of this Commander-in-Chief's disconnect with the American people occurred on November 5th, a day most Americans will never forget.

For several hours, we had been glued to our television sets learning horrifying details about the Fort Hood shooting. Unarmed soldiers had been killed and many were wounded. The networks had finally revealed the shooter was an Army Major with a Muslim background, who had shouted "Praise god" before he began his massacre.

When this president finally came before the nation, hopefully with resolve and compassion for his soldiers, these were his words of comfort: "Let me first of all just thank Ken and the Department of Interior staff for organizing just an extraordinary conference. I hear that Dr. Joe Medicine Crow was around and so I want to give a shout out...and on...and on.." Innocent American soldiers had just been slaughtered in Texas and President Obama is giving shout outs as though he were at a company picnic.

This president spent the last year apologizing for America's past transgressions, while bowing before the Emperor of Japan and the Saudi Arabian King. Not one president, in the history of the United States, has ever bowed before a member of royalty. It's not surprising that after only three weeks in office, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. His favorable ratings are now higher overseas than in his own country, where only 47% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. Congress's rating is below 30%.

This president and our lawmakers have betrayed the will of the American people, and are so blinded by their own personal powers, they can't see the sunami gathering in America's heartland. Over the next few election cycles, Democrats and Republicans alike, will be swept from their offices in historic numbers. Those politicians who are protected by re-districting, will no longer have a voice, and will become irrelevant.

We will be looking for candidates who have displayed a life of faith, family and integrity. Americans of all races and faiths are tired of years of corruption, immorality and indifference. Our new politicians won't have to depend on lobbyists for their campaign funds. We will donate every last penny we have to save this democracy from dying. It's in our DNA to save our Mother, America.

Not one politician, out of 535, has the courage to stand on the floor of the House or Senate and declare, " I have betrayed my nation, and if it takes a constitutional amendment, I promise to help balance our budget and pay off our national debt, before another bill is passed or another government program is funded." As Thomas Paine once said, "These are the times that try men's souls." See you in November!

Wm. Piercey, Sr.

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