From the Morgue
Sharon Sanders

The sad tale of Theresia Wills

Posted Tuesday, July 18, 2023, at 12:00 AM


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    Indeed, a sad-ending. But then again, she lived her life as SHE-saw fit, and wasn't forced-out to the final-insults of "life" in a nursing-home.

    Yes, when Alzheimers took my-Dad, he went. But not before swearing: "I'll not be there long!", during one of his more-lucid final statements. I believe it was about 3-weeks later? He was out of there, as he'd promised.(Mom made it for the better-part of a year afterwards, before she joined him in his-"escape", although both were in different-facilities.)

    True, there was no way either could be cared for outside of such-places, but that didn't make it any-easier on the surviving-kin. Sadly, I think we all breathed a prayer of relief, upon each ones-"escapes" into the hands of God.

    My-condolences to her family, but take heart in the fact NOBODY-forced her to call that final-hand of her life.

    Actually, Mrs. Wills reminded me of my-Grandma on Mom's-side. Independent, and fightin' to the end!

    And I mean this-comment in the Most-Respectful way possible, and Thank You, Ms. Sanders, for the---"portal", if you will?---to make it possible.

    -- Posted by bruno/rs on Wed, Jul 19, 2023, at 1:35 PM
  • What an interesting story. Thank you Sharon.

    -- Posted by Anola Gill Stowick on Thu, Jul 20, 2023, at 8:08 AM
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    Ms. Sanders, I apologize for the "Don't-Respect" troll that I've drawn for your here-to-fore pristine comment column of your-"From The Morgue" blog.

    I guess they must be suffering from the reality of life, past and/or present? If one doesn't learn from the past, there just ain't much-hope for their-future, either.

    Thinking I might make some changes, and then just read quietly, but still enjoy, and even relate to, your hard-work to making it so.

    Also, if you deem this unworthy of publication, you have my-permission to remove it, with no-hard feelings from me.

    Thank You for, well, listening Ms. Sanders, and please keep on with these-stories!

    -- Posted by bruno/rs on Thu, Jul 20, 2023, at 9:21 AM
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    Great story and comments. I know the place is no longer there, but does anyone know where it was, other than off route W?

    -- Posted by George Cozby on Mon, Jul 24, 2023, at 5:14 PM
  • Thank you Ms Sanders for reprinting an interesting story.

    May we all be so lucky to live our lives out as we each see fit, as Ms Wills did. May she rest in eternal peace.

    -- Posted by Mike Dillow on Sun, Jul 30, 2023, at 5:11 PM
  • I would also like to find Ms. Wills home as a tribute to her living her life the way she wanted. Rest In Peace. When I get to the area, I would like to place some flowers on her gravesite (if I can find it) as recognition of how she lived life the way she wanted. Any help on locating her gravesite would be helpful.

    -- Posted by Jazz Lover on Wed, Nov 1, 2023, at 7:24 AM