Letter to the Editor

Fight mandatory volunteerism for government

To the editor:

A question arises when government places requirements on its citizens that they serve in some capacity that benefits the state. I'm referring to the requirement that students should volunteer to serve two years of service.

Who is in service to whom? I was led to believe by our public schools that government was formed to serve the citizens of the country. Now the government states, rather authoritatively, that we were born to serve the government's desires.

Allowing this politically correct slavery to proceed without a quarrel from those of us who have been around longer is not in the country's best interests. It is time for us older folk to stop this miscreant idea before it catches root, otherwise it is just a matter of time before we are all completely enslaved to the political will of government.

The neo-conservatives and their brethren, modern liberals, have redefined volunteerism. They claim volunteerism is whatever government decrees. Webster's definition is "a person who of his own free will offers himself for a service or duty." The new definition replaces "his own free will" with that of "government will."

We must remind the neo-conservatives, modern liberals and government that this government was founded on the idea that it was to serve the people of this nation. Unlike monarchies and dictatorships, it was not founded on the idea of people serving it.


Marble Hill, Mo.