Letter to the Editor

Feed the bee

I was dismayed at the heavy handed article railing against "NoMowMay," a common sense movement of uncut lawns during the early part of spring to provide feed (clover and dandelions) for the emerging bee population.

NoMowMay started in Europe to counter colony collapse. Bee colonies suddenly showing up dead. We don't want that.

Bees are needed for agriculture and the Rose Garden in Capaha Park. On Facebook you see posts of food. People don't see the bee. Caring humans make efforts to feed hummingbirds. We can do the same for bees. So use some Missouri common sense, mow a little later leaving Clover and dandelions available for the bee population and you'll be a better human for it.

With a healthy bee population, we can continue to have tantalizing Facebook posts of lunch and grandchildren can walk through a park full of flowers.