Hello (AI)

PROMPT: imagine/portrait of Mark Twain wearing "red headphones", white hair, in elaborate detailed style of James Dean.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a work of science fiction. It is an emerging force in technology, a common subject of news headlines and a growing tool for business. Here, we remove the secrecy from AI through an intriguing three-part study.

We start by letting AI speak for itself. We input algorithm word prompts, questions and commands to adjust the tone of voice and guide the content. The resulting article is informative, but missing that spark of human creativity, that distinct voice every writer holds. Still, it shows us a glimpse of the technology’s future.

Then, we test AI’s capabilities to create visuals using word prompts and the iconic Missouri writer, Mark Twain. The AI-produced images appear above and on the adjacent page with the prompts we used to achieve the results.

Finally, we seek out a human expert in AI, Sho Rust, founder of an AI and branding company — Sho.ai. Rust shares his experience working closely with the new, disruptive technology. He explains his passion for AI and why it’s worth embracing. Through this study, we learn AI is not a technology taking away from humans, but allowing us to be more human, to spend more time doing what only humans can do. We stand on the shore of what’s to come. Let’s dive in.

The following are the prompts used to generate the AI artwork using MidJourney. imagine/ Mark Twain sitting in a tub of oatmeal.