Zonta Club makes donation

Merideth Pobst, marketing and communications officer for the Jackson R-2 School District, left, receives a check from Cheryl Mothes, Zonta Club of Cape Girardeau Area Foundation advocacy chairperson.

The Jackson R-2 School District thanks Zonta Club of Cape Girardeau Area Foundation for the donation of $500 for the support of supplying girls restrooms at Jackson High School with feminine hygiene items needed. The items are located in comfort carts that contain extra items for students such as deodorant and other needed supplies. The program was started in 2019 by some very caring teachers who saw the need and began collecting items to stock the carts. Zonta will continue to make sure these needs are met at JHS! Presenting the donation on behalf of Zonta is Cheryl Mothes, Advocacy Chairperson. Merideth Pobst, Marketing and Communications Officer for the Jackson R-2 School District accepted the donation on behalf of the school district.
