Letter to the Editor

Cape garbage challenge

I am lucky enough to live next to Capaha Park and enjoy morning walks around its perimeter. The Parks and Rec Department are making great strides in making it even more beautiful. My concern is the amount of trash I find every morning. Cans and bottles thrown out from cars, food wrappers, bags and receipts, straws and their wrappings dropped wherever. Often the trash cans on Cherry Hill are tipped over. I am thrilled that so many are enjoying this beautiful park but puzzled at the lack of ownership taken in its care.

The morning after the demonstration at Liberty corner, I expected a huge mess but was pleasantly surprised that care had been taken to clean up the entire area. That morning I picked up way less trash than usual. Thank you to those who so thoughtfully cleaned up the area.

Litter is a huge problem throughout our city, and I would like to challenge everyone as they walk around to simply pick up what doesn't belong there. Maybe make a pledge to police your block weekly for litter or choose an area you love and make sure it looks loved.

Let's make Cape the beautiful city we are all proud to live in.

Bonnie Kipper, Cape Girardeau