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It's looking more and more like game, set and match for a lopsided majority of Missouri legislators against Planned Parenthood. First, some background.

Gov. Mel Carnahan, the most pro-abortion governor in state history, has been determined to provide funding to Planned Parenthood, Missouri's largest abortion operator. This wasn't an issue before, as no previous governor had Carnahan's determination on this issue. Over the last several years running, the bipartisan, pro-life majority in the General Assembly has set an unambiguous course: to deny funding to organizations that perform abortions in Missouri. Last year's bills requiring this scheme of restriction concerning your state tax money was upheld by the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The court simply recognized that it is up to elected representatives to appropriate tax revenue and to direct how the money is spent.

This past year, the Legislature did it again. And, again, the abortion industry didn't take no for an answer. Planned Parenthood sued again to have the restrictions set aside, this time in state court. Last week Cole County Circuit Judge Byron Kinder issued his ruling. On every contested point, Judge Kinder ruled against Planned Parenthood and for the state law on this appropriation. Moreover, there was this stunning rebuke: Planned Parenthood must return the $100,000 in state funds received and pay the state's bills for hiring outside counsel on the case.

Backed by an indignant few state lawmakers who support its position, Planned Parenthood vows the inevitable appeal. But no matter how much they huff and puff, it is highly unlikely that Kinder's ruling will be reversed. It is also highly unlikely that the vows of these same people to elect more lawmakers determined to fund the abortion industry will succeed. The Missouri Legislature has long had a pro-life majority, and in recent years pro-life forces there have grown significantly. There just doesn't seem to be much constituency in this state for spending your tax money on outfits that perform abortions.

Good for Judge Kinder and for the legislative majority he upheld. Some times our government works just the way it is supposed to.