Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:After each school shooting the first question out of the mouths of the media is WHY? What could be causing these horrible killings.

Ask any pastor/Christian and you will receive "the answer." Romans 1:18-32.

But that's not "the answer" our society wants! It can't be that simple. There has to be another answer -- gun control, triggerlocks, the parents, grandparents, T.V., movies, video games, cliques, on and on.

Yes, these are some of the symptoms of the problem. But what is the problem?"The answer" is sin."Aw ... not that.""Can't be; why aren't all the kids doing it?""It has to be something..."First, who says sin is so simple? It has plagued mankind since the beginning. Rebellious parents of a dysfunctional family raised two boys, of which one pulled a .38 caliber rock and killed his brother. If that's not enough evidence, look at history or even in your own backyard. Sin happens. And when it does, it brings about evil consequences.

But the scariest aspect of sin is the natural law of sowing and reaping. It goes like that; whatsoever you sow, that will you also reap. Another aspect of this law is the more you sow, the more you will reap. Lastly, the reaping usually isnt instantaneous. Reaping comes at harvest time, after the crop has reproduced its seed.

The truth for our nation is, this law works the same whether we are sowing good or evil.

Look around our culture. Look at ourselves. What has been the seeds we have sown the past 40 years? You know them just as I do. Any child could discern the evil seeds we have planted.

Our nation as whole is like an alcoholic. We are caught in our own addiction to sin, which we have caused by living in denial. Denial that God's word is true. Denial that the sin we were so readily sowing would someday control us. And ultimately the denial that God's love and truth is the only thing that can set us free from our own sinfulness.

But, all is not lost. Just as in Alcoholics Anonymous, the beginning of overcoming alcohol is first admitting one is an alcoholic.

So it is with our nation, we must first stop living in denial of our own sin (First John 1:9).Only then can we begin again to sow seeds of truth which in time will produce what has always made America great. Seeds of righteousness sown before God.

Here is "the answer.

F" The choice is ours.

Bruce Collier

Cape Girardeau