Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

Dear Editor:

Aileen Lorberg's weekly column Lend Me Your Ear on Wednesday was unusual in content and quality. There was no issuing of orders on misplaced verbs and adverbs, on the proper use of the comma, when to employ a semi-colon, split infinitives, sloppy grammar, mispronounced words, "try to" never ever "try and," redundancies, and other "no-no's" of the English language.

The subject was on angels! They were not made a part of fairyland with elves and brownies, Donner and Blitzen, Jack and the beanstalk and other fabled characters of the childworld. Angels, the article declares, are creatures of God. An incident of a guardian angel's presence in her life is mentioned.

Aileen writes "Angels have always an important role in our daily lives and culture, in literature, music, theatre, in the naming of people, places, plants, even foods ..." Disclosing wide historical knowledge of history, she mentions St. Ambrose, prominent churchman of the fourth century, Clara Barton, Angel of the Battlefield, and Thomas Wolfe, author of the novel Look Homeward Angel. Disraeli is quoted. Places with angel names are mentioned, Angel Falls, Venezuela, Angel Island, largest island in San Francisco Bay, the City of Angels Los Angeles.

Her favorite subject, the English language, put on the back burner this week, there appears a seasonal article on angels. Beautiful!

Rev. Walter J. Keisker EM

Jackson, Mo.