Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

Dear Editor:

Don Pritchard's Advertorial in your Dec. 9 newspaper contained a misquote of a letter I had written to the Assistant City Attorney about the Louis Jordan/John Martin dispute.

Don Pritchard quotes me as saying that I had spoken with Patrolman Louis Jordan and with John Martin and found them both "unbelievable." Actually, in my letter I said I found them both believable. Their versions of what happened are identical in almost all respects. In the few areas where they differ, I feel each man honestly believes his version is exactly what happened.

I hesitated to write this letter pointing out the misquote, because I hate to see this already over-publicized matter get any more public attention. I dislike seeing a mountain being made out of a molehill. On the other hand, I don't want anyone to have the perception that I feel Louis Jordan has told anything but the truth. He is a fine police officer and if my life were in danger I would want an officer like him protecting me. Even though, with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, I feel he didn't handle the John Martin leaf-burning incident perfectly, it should certainly not be considered a career-ending incident.

I don't know whether Don Pritchard or your printers put the "un" in front of my word believable, but it made a tremendous difference in the way my letter read.

Very sincerely yours,

H. Morley Swingle

Prosecuting Attorney

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The mistake was a typographical error made by the newspaper. We apologize to Mr. Swingle for the mistake. Thanks for bringing the matter to our attention.)