Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

Dear Peter Kinder:

You should consider running a contest to think up a new last name for Iben Browning. Here's my "top ten" list:

1. Iben Mistaken.

2. Iben Wrong Before.

3. Iben Dabbling in Fields Other Than My Area of Expertise.

4. Iben Amazed At How Gullible Seemingly Intelligent People Are.

5. Iben Overly Influenced by the Moon.

6. Iben A Paid "Business Consultant" For Crap Like This.

7. Iben Hiding From The Press For Weeks.

8. Iben Looking For Someone Like David Stewart for Years.

9. Iben Conducting Psychological Experiments on Midwesterners (And It's Been Going Good).

10. Iben Scaring the Hell Out of People But It's OK Iben Helping Them "Getting Prepared."

Dr. David Crowe

Cape Girardeau