Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the Southeast Missourian:

Congratulations to the staffs of the Southeast Missour~ian and the Jackson Cash-Book Journal and to the volunteers in the Cape Girardeau-Jackson area who helped make the YELL for Newspapers project a success for the second year. All those who contributed to the cause also deserve a salute.

From afar I have admired you folks for this project since it began. Not many efforts can bring a community together so completely. That is a result of the hard work you put in and the goals of the project, which are impossible to deny or to turn away from.

All of you, from the newspaper employees to the volunteer hawkers to the people who bought the papers, embody the spirit of a community that cares. Keep up the good work, with YELL for Newspapers and other projects.

Kindest regards and happy holidays.

Kent M. Ford

News Director

Missouri Press Association
