Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

I want to take this opportunity to commend the group of local Lutheran ministers for their excellent article which was published in "The Public Mind." They said exactly what I wanted to say but had not gotten around to.

The debate on the subject of homosexuality will not go away as long as God's Holy Word exists. The Bible tells us that Heaven and Earth will pass away but God's Word will never pass away. Laws may be passed, presidential executive orders may be issued, and even Supreme Court rulings may be handed down favoring this vile sin. But to every serious student of Holy Scriptures, homosexuality will remain a vile sin and an abomination in the eyes of God.

Everyone by now should be up on the clever catch words used by the defenders of homosexuality to discredit anyone who is opposed to the acceptability of their sin. They use words like prejudiced, hateful, biased, bigoted, inflammatory, fomenting hatred, hypocritical, and so on.

Any way you look at homosexuality, whether from the Old Testament, the Levitical Laws, the Ten Commandments, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah or the New Testament references to this sin, or within our own modern permissive culture, God condemns this practice as well as all those who engage in it. No, it is not hypocritical or stupid to refer to the Bible in this debate. God's Word is clear on this subject: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination."

God's Word does not change even as God does not change. There have always been so-called theologians who have tried to change or re-interpret God's Word to justify certain sins. When a Christian religious system allows the infiltration of their churches and seminaries by practicing homosexuals, it is reasonable to expect that these persons will seek positions of influence and authority where they can spread the perversion of God's Word on the subject of homosexuality. When this happens, so-called theology becomes heresy.

Ray Epps

Cape Girardeau