Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

During the past 12 years, we have heard screams fro~m the ~Democratic party, that both President Reagan~ and President Bush had lied to Con~gress, in regards to the claim of alle~ged arm sales to Iran, in return for our hostages~. They even went as far as to insist on a special prosecutor to look into these char~ges, no doubt with the thou~ght in mind of brin~in~g impeachment char~ges a~gainst the former Republican presidents. A~fter spendin~g some $30 million they failed to come up with any evidence showin~g that either President Rea~gan or Bush knew anything about the alleged charges. Since there wasn't any evidence that either of these presidents had lied to Congress~, we can easily assume it was all a witch hunt.

Now since lying to Con~gress appears to be an impeachable offense in the eyes of the Democratic party, if done by a president, how about taking a look at some of the promises made by our president, that he now says he cannot keep or will not keep.

1. The promise that he would cut the deficit in half in the next four years.

2. The tax cut for the middle class.

3. Cut the White House staff by 25 percent.

4. Also the gasoline tax, alon~g with ~many more.

Not only were these promises made to Con~gress, but to more than 250 million~ other Americans.

The point I wish to make is if lyin~g to Con~gress is an impeachable offense for a president, then let's apply the same ~standard to the De~mocratic president that you atte~mpted to apply to the two last Republican presidents. I believe that ~lost Americans feel it is either ti~me to put up or shut up.

Watis R. H~~arrell
