Letter to the Editor


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Dear Editorial Board:

The ultimate effectiveness of Mr. John Campbell's usage of military examples in his Guest Commentary remains to be seen. General Anthony McAuliffe's famous retort described in one word the valiant, heroic stand he and his soldiers were prepared to make in the defense of Bastogne. We should not overlook the historical fact that were it not for the equally valiant, heroic efforts of George Patton's soldiers who raced to the relief of Bastogne, General McAuliffe might not have survived the battle to be remembered for his remark.

To have taken full advantage of his "Nuts" metaphor, Mr. Campbell should have identified the "Patton" who will "relieve" the currently besieged school board and its superintendent and tell us how and when the relief will be effected. Otherwise, Mr. Campbell's commentary leaves the disturbing impression that he does not believe this community ("damn the torpedoes") deserves any further accounting from the school board on its graduation policy-making. If this is so, Mr. Campbell is wrong.

The tough mission the board must accept is to remove the haze of confusion which still very much surrounds the graduation matter. We would have been much better served weeks ago by an honest, cohesive, time-sensitive accounting from the board as a whole on this issue rather than the series of uncoordinated and varying explanations from individual members which came after the fact. There remains an undeniable and wide-spread impression that the board made a mistake in the manner in which a long-standing policy was changed. The majority in this community still waits for a well led accounting, and members of the school board have the sole responsibility for putting this matter to rest. Patton must step forward now.

There is another old saying about a foxhole, Mr. Campbell. It is down deep inside of one, while cringing under fire, that many discover "religion" and are then able to effectively manage the awful stress of battle. Full speed ahead sir, to you and your fellow board members. We are waiting.


Cape Girardeau