Letter to the Editor


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Dear Editor,

This country needs access to universal health care at a reasonable cost, not the socialized, universal, health-care-at-any-cost plan the Clinton administration is cramming down our throat. They will likely continue to water this plan down until they get it passed, then begin their practice of amending and "fixing it", as they call it.

Having served in the military I have been witness to much waste and inefficiency produced by government. I don't recall where government ever stayed within their original cost projections.

First, they say it will cost a certain amount, underprojected in order to pass it, then when the cost overruns appear, they start their practice of "fixing it", making the final cost excessive.

It is easier to pass a spending program than it is to remove a program that doesn't work.

If Clinton can't get his health care plan passed -- by the same tax-and-spend congress we have had for the past 30 years -- it should tell you how bad it is.

Remember when you didn't need an accountant or tax expert to fill out your income tax? Then they "fixed it", now the internal revenue people can't even answer some of your questions.

Remember when you could fulfill your social security obligation by April or May? Then they "fixed it" to cover medicare, for our retired citizens, then medicaid, to include welfare recipients? Now you pay all year long.

Remember the seat belt law when it was a choice? Then they "fixed it", making it mandatory that you wear them?

You could go on and on citing laws and bills passed under one pretense then amended or "fixed" to become another.

The point being, the health care plan pending before us is another attempt by government to take over your right to choose what's best for you! But this time, it will cover one sixth of the federal budget.

And remember, that's just to start with. When they start amending or "fixing", who knows where it will end!

Where does the money come from? Yep, you got it ... You!

I believe this to be the final law that will move this country into total socialism.

Socialism: "Any of various theories or systems of the ownership of the means of production and distribution by society or by community rather than by private individuals".

Social Democratic Party: "A German Marxist political party formed in 1875 advocating a gradual transition from capitalism to socialism". (Both definitions from Webster's New World Dictionary of American English, third edition.)

Clinton's health care plan seeks to mandate how much you must pay and how much business pays to insure you have health care. No more freedom of choice!

We must not fall for this Clinton health care plan. We must keep our well being out of the hands of government and in the hands of private enterprise, where we have the choice.

